I'm Manlier Than You

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     On the sun bleached bench at the very end of the soccer field, sat a dazed man. Chad had overworked himself just a little bit today.
     He took a swig of his water, droplets running down his chin. This was nice, he enjoyed this. It was rare a day was this perfect, he couldn't help but keep playing even after getting dizzy. His teammates had to pull him out of the game, a rare occurrence considering he was a very cautious person.
     He laid down on the bench, closing his eyes and taking in the afternoon breeze.
     "Hey- um- you good?"
     Chad looked up, not recognizing any of his teammates' voices. Upon opening his eyes, he was met with different coloured ones. A green one and a brown one stared down at his own dark blue eyes.
     "Are you gonna just stare, like a girl?"
     The man blinked, he sat up and smiled at the stranger.
     "There's nothing wrong with observing, or being a girl, by the way-", he chuckled at the strangers discomfort. ", and yeah, I'm good. Just a little tired that's all.", He patted the spot next to him. Chad was usually friendly, there was no reason not to be in his opinion. Then again he didn't mind beating up the occasional fucker that dare insult his loved ones.
     "I'm Chad!"

     "I know.."

     "Ok? Kinda creepy, what are ya a stalker?", Chad snorted.

     "N-No! No, I just- I hang out here sometimes and I hear people call you that. That's all-"

     Chad's eyes lit up, "you play?". He didn't know much about the man but he wouldn't mind playing a round of whatever he was up for.

     "No- well, yeah, yeah. I- I play some sports just not professionally. You know like, soccer, and...and, ten-tennis? And a few others you probably haven't heard of."

     "Fun! Wanna play? We have spare balls!"

     The stranger looked at Chad warily. He looked concerned. Chad could tell there was something off, while most people couldn't match his enthusiasm, most at least were genuine with their feelings. The dark haired man wasn't telling the truth, that much was obvious, the soccer player just didn't know why. Chad waited for his answer in anticipation.

     "One round couldn't hurt. Ju-Just go easy on me k?" He fake laughed. "I'm Josh by the way." He stood up, stretching a little.
     Chad nodded and followed, he ran over to a basket filled with spare balls and picked one up throwing it at Josh.
     Josh was anxious to say the least, the round hadn't even started and he was already losing. He didn't know how to play, the sun was burning him, and his sweat was already making his hoodie stick to his figure. He hated it there, everything sucked. Josh decided he didn't like sports. Not that he hadn't decided that a long time ago.
      Chad explained the rules to his new found friend, and thus, the game began.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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