There's Something in the Water

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They never intended to revisit the creek but Midoriya was feeling reckless and Bakugou just wanted him to shut up.

The creek ran through the forest the two used to visit when they were little, back when they were Kacchan and Zuku, and it was something that had haunted their dreams for many nights. There were many social media posts about it, how it was haunted and possessed a spirit that would grab and drown you. One could hear eerie laughter, the sound echoing as if coming from the surrounding trees themselves. People said it was the work of demons, of something dark and dangerous that no man should go near.

Bakugou and Midoriya knew better.

Midoriya had always been a crybaby, everyone knew that, but the green-haired boy would never be able to get the image of Kacchan sobbing his eyes out after the incident that occurred when they were little kids out of his head. It wasn't even anything dangerous and they never saw anything, but the emotions they felt... It was overwhelming. There was no laughter like people reported, only the sound of soft sobs sounding from the creek, and Midoriya remembered feeling overwhelming heartache. He knew Kacchan felt it too when he fell to his knees, putting his head to the ground as his body shook from the sobs that wracked his body.

Something was in that creek, they were sure of it, but the two children had vowed never to return to that place ever again. Now that they were older and training to become heroes, they were starting to rethink their decision.

"Kacchan, please-"

"Leave me alone, Shitty Deku!"

Midoriya wasn't deterred, quickly moving in front of the angry blonde to stop him from walking away, shoving a paper at the teenager's chest. "You know we have to, Kacchan!" When he seemed to gain the other's full attention finally, he continued. "You know there's something there and- We're heroes!"

"We're not heroes yet." Katsuki responded but he was turning his head to look down at the paper, at the clear picture of a creek that looked like it hadn't been touched in the years since they last been. "We said we wouldn't go back, Deku."

"We were four, Kacchan, and I think someone needs our help!"

Katsuki looked close to closing his fist around the paper, the sound of it crumbling seemingly echoing in the momentary silence. "We don't know if they're still there."

Midoriya gritted his teeth in frustration, resisting the urge to stamp his foot down. He felt a burst of confidence make its way through him. "Are you scared, Kacchan?"

Blood-red eyes snapped up to meet green and Katsuki snarled. "I ain't scared of shit, Deku! Grab your fucking things, we're going."

He gave a silent cheer, scrambling to grab his backpack and shoes before the other could change his mind. When he got to the door, Kacchan was already waiting for him with his hands shoved angrily in his pockets and his usual scowl in place. "You'll scare whatever's at the creek if you don't try and lighten up, Kacchan."

"HAH?? The fuck you say, Shitty Deku? Let's just go tell the old man we're leaving and get this fucking thing over with."

As it turned out, Aizawa-sensei wouldn't let the two out by themselves since they were known as 1-A's main villain magnets. He ended up going along with them, grumbling about how it was too early for that kind of shit on a weekend, but he still cradled a cup of coffee as he trudged a bit behind them.

When the three got closer to the creek, the air became a stinging cold out of no where, just how Bakugou and Midoriya remembered it all those years ago. The blonde stopped, holding out a hand to the boy next to him, who immediately deposited a red fluffy coat that he produced from his bag in it.

Midoriya shrugged on his own green one before turning to Aizawa, biting his lip. "Do you need a jacket, or...?"

"No, I'll be fine, Problem Child." Aizawa shook his head, hands in his pockets as he observed the light fog in front of them with faint curiosity. "Why did you two want to come here?"

Bakugou and Midoriya looked at each other, utilizing that telepathic bond they claimed they didn't have, before responding in sync. "There's something in the water."

That... Was probably one of the creepiest things Aizawa ever heard come from his two problem children. "Something in the water?"

"Someone." Bakugou amended, slipping his hands in his pockets as they trudged further up the hill into the fog that hung low by their knees. "It- We don't know if they're still there."

Aizawa had never heard the blonde so hesitant to explain something, like he wasn't sure if what he was saying was even correct. "How do you know about this person? You've never asked to leave the dorms together before."

The problem children shared a look again but only Midoriya spoke, reaching into Bakugou's pocket for a paper and the blonde didn't even look disgruntled at the action.

"We came here when we were four." The green-haired teen handed him the paper, showing the teacher a picture of a clear-blue creek. "Have you... seen it before?"

"Mic showed it to me before, said something illogical about it being haunted."

Bakugou smirked, shaking his head. "Oh, it's haunted alright." It had to be, it was the only thing that would explain why he acted like that.

Before anyone could say anything else, the air suddenly somehow became colder and wind howled eerily around them. It almost seemed to beckon them closer, pushing their backs a bit so their steps were faster.

'You came back.' A voice seemed to whisper and Bakugou would have thought he imagined it if he didn't see the way Deku and Aizawa-sensei tensed up in alarm. 'You're older now. It's been a long time, hasn't it?'

"Twelve years." Bakugou answered, ignoring Midoriya's wide-eyed look. "What are you doing here? How long have you been here?"

Somehow, the voice managed to convey a shrug in their tone. 'I've always been here. I don't know how long, it's not like I have a clock or some shit.'

Midoriya stepped closer to the water a bit, looking down at it as if he could see a person if he searched enough. "Are you okay here?" He clasped his hands tightly in front of him, twisting them a bit in a nervous habit. "L-Last time, you were so s-sad..."

There was a distinct pause before they spoke again. 'I have been here a long time. It gets lonely.'

Aizawa stepped forward, eyebrows raised as he looked around the area a bit. "How long would you say? The problem children said you were twelve years ago. Somehow, I think it's longer than that."

'Oh, for sure. Tons of years, all the years. You look exhausted. Who are you?'

"Shouldn't that be something I should be asking you?"

'I asked first.'

"Fair enough. I am Shota Aizawa. Are you going to answer the question now?"

The voice was hesitant and they could barely hear the sound of a small intake of breath. Suddenly, the wind blew crazily around them and they had to shut their eyes from it. When they looked again, a boy around sixteen or seventeen stood knee-deep in the creek, his hair and clothes absolutely soaked as he looked at them with sea-green eyes.

"I don't know..."


words: 1,271

song: Lucid Dreams - Juice WRLD (lyrics)

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