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Being an underground hero meant that Aizawa worked primarily in the night time. Sometimes, he came back to the dorms when it was about time to head to his classroom, meaning he cherished every ounce of sleep he could get. His husband was still in bed when he came back into the apartment, but his cat Taco greeted him with a low purr, weaving between his legs for a moment.

"Where's the others?" He murmured quietly to Taco when the other cats didn't come to him. His answer came in the form of Drop, who was rummaging through his kitchen, a bag placed on the counter. The cats were sitting by his legs and looking up at him with wide eyes. "Are you taking my sandwich press?"

"No." Drop answered as he placed the sandwich press into the bag. "Coffee?"

"Yeah. What's the press for?"

Drop placed a mug in front of the hero, adding a dash of milk and two sugar cubes without being prompted. "Have a friend that's struggling. I'll replace it."

Shouta shook his head, stirring his coffee with the spoon he was given. "Don't worry about it. We haven't used it in ages. Did you want to go grocery shopping for him, too?"

"Yeah, but I'll go with Nedzu. Rough night?"

"Something like that. Petty crimes."

"Did you want me to watch your class? It can be a study period."

Shouta took a long sip of his coffee. Usually, he'd immediately decline, but he was truly exhausted. However, he had yet to miss a day of teaching and he wasn't about to start just because he was a bit sleepy. "No, it's fine."

Drop studied him for a moment, preparing another mug of coffee. He slid it across the counter in time for Hizashi to stumble out of the room and sit at the bar, reaching for the cup. "You'll sleep in class."

"I can't just-"

"I'll tell mom."

Shouta sputtered into his drink, coughing slightly as he glared at the ghost. "You will not."

"Try me, hobo."

Blinking slowly, Hizashi peered at them both. "Did I miss something? Since when are you guys related?"

"Since now." Drop declared without an ounce of shame. "Mom likes Shouta. She says she's very proud of him."

Aizawa buried his face in his capture weapon, suddenly aware of the way his ears began to turn red. "She's a very nice lady."

Hizashi smiled widely, his tiredness leaving him. "Aww, Shouta! Did you get her number? We have to send her a card or something."

The underground hero went to say no, frowning at himself for his forgetfulness, when Drop slid a piece of paper over to him, the teen focused on putting together some sandwiches. "The hell? You psychic or something?"

Drop hummed. "Or something. Go take a shower. You smell like the outside."

Aizawa rolled his eyes, flicking the teen in the forehead, before he trudged over to his room. He grumbled to himself, wondering when he stopped complaining about Drop being in his home so casually.

"Did you have breakfast?" Shouta heard his husband ask the teen that raided their home.

"I had some toast."

"That's not enough, I'll make you some eggs. Have a seat."

When Shouta walked back out to the kitchen, a sandwich wrapped tightly in foil was launched at his head with no warning. He caught it without looking, too used to the action to be caught off guard. "Ham and cheese-"

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