drafous sleps with pantys

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Y/N is with the love of her life dracous uwu. She loves him so much that she puts her hair in a messy bun for him everyday uwu.

So cute. One day, after brushing her long blonde hair, she realized he wasn't at his dorm. Oh no uwu.  So Y/N went over to pansys dorm.

Y/N went to get her serpent jacket. Y/N went to her room and knocked once, then twice, and the door opened... To drafous shirtless! Oh no uwu!

Y/N: Why are you shirtless in pannties dorm uwu?!

drrako: Shut up slut, I went with pansy.

Y/N: What?! How could you??!

Y/N drops to the ground, a sobbing mess. She looks back up to see pannties. And pugface is in a messy bun?

Y/N: H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-ho-o-o-o-ow-w-w could y-y-y-yo-o-ou-u-u panty?

pussy: I'm not sorry Y/N

drakos: How dArE yOu SpeAk tO mY girL lIKe thaT?

dorka slams panny to the ground. Uwu, a savior!

dralokos: Lets go to my drom babe

Y/N: Of course! I love you!

They go to his dorm and get married with 12478995558853 babies.  The End.

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