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this is my hp script :)

About Me

Name: Kaylahni Grey Leeson

Nicknames: Lahni, lahn, lee

Age: 14

Birthday: july 30th

Current Year: 4th year

House: Slytherin

Blood status: Pureblood

Parents: Jo-anne Leeson, Newt Leeson

God Parents: Snape

Animagus: Black 6 ft Python

Zodiac sign: Leo

Wand: 13 inch ebony wood, dragon heart string subtle flexibility

pet: black python with peircing green eyes


Skin type: white

Eyes: hazel

Lashes: long thick black

Hair color: chestnut brown

Hair length: shoulder length

Hair Details: straight,  never dry nor greasy never knotty

Brow: perfect shape

Lips: medium size and a light pink color

Personality Traits

Prominent traits: listens intently

Negative Traits: bruterly honest, clingy, bitchy, bratty

Fears: being alone,  defening silence, needles

Insecurities: waist/stomach, hands, ears


Physical health:10/10

Mental Health:10/10










Speed: 8.5/10



Skills I possess:


accent- english

Family Background

Mom: Jo-anne Rose Leeson

Born/Died:  1884-unknown

Descendants of: Rose and Jery Sag

House: Slytherin

Traits: Cunning, honest

Dad: Newt Kook Leeson

Born/Died:  1883-unknown

Descendants of: Fert and Gery Leeson

House: Slyhterin

Traits: Honest

Brother: Mason Fert Leeson

age: 12

house: Hufflepuff

Traits: Loyal

Sister: Herlow Rose Leeson

Age: 11

House: Slytherin

Brother: Demon Hertio Leeson



Sister: Asmika Grey Leeson


House: Hufflepuff


Name: Hermit Sage

House: Slytherin

Closeness: 9/10


Hair color: red
Height: 5,7

Traits: Loyal,  honest

Memories: me pushing her to ask out Fred Weasley,  dancing in the common room at night while theres a thunder storm

Friend Group: Hermit Sage, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkison,  Mattheo Riddle, Theodore Nott, Lorenzo Berkshire and Tom Riddle

i, mattheo  hermit and draco are in a band and we perform songs at the yule ball

song list

deja vu - Olivia Rodrigo

+ other songs from my playlists
when the song starts i know all the words

im a keeper in the slytherin
quiditch team

my dorm description
obviously there is 4 walls
one that has the door entry
one that is has a mirror and vines hanging off of it
the wall that has a large square in the middle is my window to the lake that has a little seat on it
the other walla leads to the wardobe and the bathroom
my bed in a queen size that has 5 pillows on it in order from: black, dark green, grey, a dark teal then silver
a duna that is black with small green vines imprinted on it
next to my bed a black desk and desk chair sits with all of my things above it hanging plants are there and theres a crystal shelf for crystals
the floor is dark oak wood as well as the door
in the bathroom the sink is black as well as the tap and shower head and the shower taps the tiling on the walls is dark green as well as the floor
theres a square mirror above the sink
i have led lights

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