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"Will you-" he pauses.

"Will you go on a date with me when you come out...?" He finally chokes up the words, and my heart pounds with happiness.

I thought I had lost him, maybe for good.
We've both been through hurt that no human wants to go through, but we did it, for us.
But things were almost going to well.

"I- of course clay.. what did you have in mind?" I try to keep my voice calm, but in reality I wanted to scream with happiness.

"It's a surprise.. I'm really excited to see you by the way.."
"Are you nervous?" He follows up.

"Slightly.. I mean we've been friends for so long, and I don't even know what you look like." I laugh, finally feeling okay for the first time this month.

"I'm still iffy on showing you my face."
"I ordered a custom mask.. in case I'm to scared at first" he adds

I laugh at the man, assuming he was joking.
But the silence from his end, let me know quickly that it wasn't.

"Oh.. you don't have to show me clay.. whatever you're comfortable with." I smile, though he can't see me.

He laughs
"We will see"

Time skip

I had 3 days.
3 days till I saw him.
3 days till I could fully understand that this is real.

Clay was a complicated person.
His feelings are mushed, his ego is slightly higher than the normal persons, and he aspired to prove himself to the rest.

I knew Clay's background and how he grew up, but simply it wasn't great.
His parents weren't around much, which was then followed by his father passing away in a freak accident.

I didn't know the full details, but I do know that clay was 15, around the same age I was when I lost my parents.
His father had been trained with EMT knowledge, and he tried to put that in handy when he saw and apartment building on fire, with occupants still in the building.

He left his wife standing on the sidewalk, running in risking his own life, whilst his frantic wife sat outside.

He never came back out.
2 other families came out, and said he had been trapped.
Firefighters tried their hardest to save his father, but all rescue missions failed.

My heart breaks for him.
He didn't deserve it, hell no one does.
Family is thicker than blood sometimes, and I know Clay felt that way about his parents.

Once his father passed, his mother took to alcoholism.
She's now getting help, but is struggling.

I think a struggle is okay, nothing in life is easy, I just hope she gets better for clays sake.
I shake my head, getting out of my deep thoughts.

Sadly that has been happening a lot, but it was common once it got close to the end of the month.

Everything I've forgotten to overthink is now coming up, causing me to feel weak and tired.

Sleep wasn't on the plate for now, I didn't need to have another dream.
Not now, it was all too much.

I layed on my bed, body pillow pressed against me, as I wrapped my arms around and held my phone, scrolling through Twitter.

My eyes got heavy, and the darkness from my eyelids slowly encased me into sleep.


My eyes flutter into an unknown location, or at least I didn't recognize it.

I glanced around in what looked like an office room, I was panicked, and slightly confused.

Getting to my feet, I looked around the room trying to find a hint as to where I was, but nothing showed.

With a nervous shake to my body, I jiggle the small room's door knob, which opens.

I peak my head out, and recognize it as a mall.

It was quiet, eerie, it made me feel alone.
My feet tapped the granite ground, causing an echo in the empty mall, making my spine shiver.

I jump up as a static comes over the intercom.
The sound of a recorded player scratches before it settles and music plays.

The same song that continues to be my shadow echoed through the mall.
I knew he was here, where exactly was the harder part.

The mall was inhumanly large, not one you saw in the UK.

"Again." His familiar voice echoed shocking me, before turning around.

I nod
"Seems like it.." a larger sigh leaves and I lay on the ground, staring up and the glass roofing.

"Why does it scare you george?" His feet tap closer and closer to me, till his masked face is looking down at me.

My cheeks fell with a light pink and I looked into the eye holes of his mask.

I could look at his eyes for years.
The green stands out brightly, with hints of brown.
It made me want to take the mask off even more.

"I'm not scared Clay." I comment, not fully sure what he meant.

He laughs
"You aren't?"

He gets down on my level, our faces nearly inches away.

My heart stops, along with my breathing as I stared into his eyes.

"I'm not scared." I made my voice more firm, though I truly was terrified.

He tilts his head, and slides his leg over my waste, sitting on my lap.
He put his arms above my head, tilting his head once more.

My body tenses, and I try to fight the slight growth in my pants to avoid embarrassment, sadly it didn't go unnoticed.

"You get turned on so easily." Dream whispers, his voice sounding scratchy.

My breath hitches at his words.

I look around, clueless on what to do.

Reacting on my first instinct, I grab his thigh, and use it as leverage.
I switched our spots, and placed my empty hand behind Clay's head, as I swiftly flipped between his legs.

Dream didn't react, his eyes from what I could see were wide, and he was completely caught off guard.

"I'm not scared."

I wake up sweating, and my hips aching.

I groan to myself as I realize my dream.

I just needed to get through these next 2 days, which is exactly what I did.

Through the next two days I was busy packing, and over stressing over nothing.
Clay has been goofy, and more understanding which has been nice.
We both shared the excitement of seeing each other for the first time.

We came to an agreement that his mask would stay on till he's comfortable, which to me is okay.
Just being in the pure presence of him would be enough.

My PC wrapped in clothing to keep is safe in my suitcase, I cautiously walk past bumps in the terminal.

I listened to the song once more before my flight number was called.

"Flight 307, London to Florida, is now boarding."
My heart sinks into my chest, and I begin the boarding process.

The lady takes my ticket and passport, letting me on.

I set my luggage in the correct areas before sitting down and bringing my phone out.

I open messages and text clay.

"Flight is taking off in 30 minutes.. I'll text you as soon as I land."
I press send and the butterflies increase.

The only thing separating us now was 9 hours, and the time slowly ticked down.

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