The sex list part 2

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NO recap


it was still class and i had forgot to tell ya'll but the reason i have a feeling we both still have feeling's for each other is because me and derek still talked but me and derek didn't want a long distance relashanship(or how ever u spell it im doing this as 12 or 1 at night right now)so we just cut it off but we still have that piece or hole of love for each other.

The school bell ring and me and derek got our things and got up and tried to walk out mattia stopped us before we got a chanced to walk out the door

he pulled my backpack and i was about to fall but derek grabbed my waist so i wouldn't

D:wtf man what is wrong with u dumbass
M:stfu man we were just playing chill and don't call me a dumbass im smarter then u

before derek got a chance to speak the teacher came up to mattia

T:mattia u are failing every class with all f's
just then when i heard that i started laughing and mattia and the boys looked at me

Y:guess u are a dumbass
D:man to sad i thought u were actually smarter then me
me and derek kept laughing

T:since u wanna laugh y/n u can be mattias tutor
Y:haha ooo what!

matta started laughing but then he stopped and realized what she said

Y:oh hell naw u trippin bitch
Y:to bad just did bitch btw im not helping this dumbass he got himself into this mess he can get himself out ain't my problem
Y:naw im good but see ya later dumbass's

i grabbed derek's hand and we went to my locker

D:still got that same attiude
Y:yep that i did keep

we both chuckled and we made eye contact for a little but then stopped

D:soo uh u still work at the strip club
Y:derek shhh

i closed my locker and took him in the girls bathroom

Y:we can't speak about that here okay and yes i do cause u know i still live alone my parents haven't rose up from the dead
D:sorry i just wanted to know i mean i miss when u worked in the strip in nj i wanna see u in action again mamas
i blushed a little
Y:i hate when u call me that and u know it
D:that's why i did it now come on

We walked out the bathroom and mattia and the boys just stared at me mattia looked mad for some reason

THOUGHTS-did he listen to our conversation? OMG what if he heard that i work in the strip club-

i stopped in my tracks cause i was thinking until i got interupeted

M:soo what were guys doing in the bathroom huh?
Ale:who know they prolblary having sex
Y:what no we were just talking and it shouldn't matter to u
k:yea guys let's just leave them alone and let them be them
m:seriously what is wrong with u today kai
Y:anyway i am going to leave come derek

(let's skip to the end of the day cause u know i is lazyyyyyy)


after that me and the boys went to the gym and there were all the boys and the leader or something of the sex list was handing them out and we all grabbed it and had all the points and stuff on there

Ale:bro i was right!!!
Kai:what do u mean ale
Mattia:yea im confused
Ale:man y/n is on here!
Mattia:what really!!

then the leader or whatever i guess his name was vallyk

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