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I have some... Uh. News.

I have been really busy with school lately, and since I missed about two weeks of school, (one week from being sick, another due to snow) I have a shit ton of makeup work to do, and just homework in general.

I am currently trying to update my 30 Day OTP Challenge, and I have a draft for it... But I am just too tired to fix it. I don't know if its good, and I reread over it about a thousand times a day.

So I apologize for the lack of updates. My brain is dead at this current moment, and all of the creative little monsters running around in my brain are currently asleep, as they have been for about two straight weeks.

Also, in PE today, I had to run for 8 minutes and do 40 push ups, instead of the normal 6 minutes and 30 push ups, so I am very tired because of that as well.

So yeah. That's all I have to say. I'm really really really trying to update. I really am. I don't usually slack for things like this.

Anyway. Yeah. I'm sorry.

-Vanilla <3

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