"Does your ooa have any pets?"

31 4 1


Fine ;-;

[ ooa: okay. Yes! I do! I actually have heaps o.o I'll try name them all,
Cat named Maggie (but I call her Maggot c:)
Dog named Sydney
Two Guinea Pigs named Felix and Ebony
One frog called Lucky
2 fish called Romeo and Juliet (I know. Dramatic xD)
We used to have budgies but my sister murdered them o.o
We have like 20 chickens o.o but my favourite is a special needs one c: she can't run, she like awkwardly hobbles along xD
We have like 6 beehives- we like to name the queen bees, but I only remember 2- Queen Georgina and Queen Elizabeth xD but that's like 100000000000000 bees o.o
What else what else.. OH! Yes. More xD
We have ducks! They look so much like geese, but they are fucks.
I mean ducks xD
And then there's always my sister.. xD ]

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