Chapter 1 - Lin Yu is Gay?!

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Chu Jingmi (处静谧) slung the bag over his shoulder as he exited the hospital room. After collapsing at school, he’d been rushed to the nearest hospital, but to him, this was all routine by now. His mother died in childbirth, and he almost didn’t make it either. Honestly, people secretly considered it a miracle he’d survived until fourteen years of age. Each birthday was celebrated like it was his last.

His nurse caretaker of sorts, Yin Yi (音一), greeted him when Chu Jingmi stepped into the hallway. “Mi’er, how do you feel?” 

“Okay.” Chu Jingmi’s expression was flat.

Yin Yi placed a delicate hand on his head and ruffled his dark hair. “Let’s go then.”

Yin Yi was hired as a babysitter back when Chu Jingmi was still an infant. Chu Jingmi’s father, Chu Xiaoyang (处小阳), was frequently away due to business; he didn’t have time to care for a child. He hired the twenty-year-old Yin Yi, and he’s been part of the family ever since. Chu Xiaoyang paid for Yin Yi’s school in exchange for watching over his son, and even after Yin Yi got his degree, he still remained employed by the Chu family.

Chu Jingmi leaned heavily against Yin Yi, body feeling weighed down. His consciousness remained clear, but the urge to just sit down and fall asleep didn’t abate nor did the slight nausea. 

Yin Yi said, “When we get home, I’ll make you some congee. Hopefully, you can keep something light down.”

“Mn.” After they got into the car, Yin Yi started the engine. Chu Jingmi leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes, murmuring, “I have schoolwork to catch up on. My grades are bad.”

Yin Yi, “You can catch up. The school knows about your health problems.”

His brow furrowed. “I’m not helpless.”

“I know, but it’s okay to ask for help.” Yin Yi glanced over at the sulking boy, and he suggested, “What about a tutor?”

His brow furrowed even more, and he pursed his lips. He didn’t like the idea of a tutor. Chances are the tutor would just think he’s a slacker and/or a dumbass that can’t manage history, math, and everything else he’s doing badly in. He found the honor roll kids to be elitist, snubbing their noses at anyone that didn’t get the highest marks on everything despite personal issues such as having a frail body. He even felt like the teachers looked down on him. Hell, his mom was probably disappointed on the other side, and as for his father, he was lukewarm.

“Mi’er, I’ll talk to your dad about it. I’m sure he’d agree.”

Chu Jingmi whined, “Yi-gege, can’t you tutor me?” 

“I’m thirty-three. I don’t have the time.”

He pouted, cheeks puffed out and everything. “What if we pay you?”

“I make enough.” Yin Yi smiled at Chu Jingmi. “Besides, you should try to make some friends.”

“You’re saying I should make friends with a tutor?” 

“It wouldn’t hurt.”


When Chu Jingmi returned home, Chu Xiaoyang was sitting in his office. Chu Jingmi walked in and greeted him. “Hi, Dad.”

“I heard you collapsed,” Chu Xiaoyang said, still looking down at the documents. “How do you feel?” 


“Go lie down. Have Yi’er make you something to eat.”

“Mn.” Chu Jingmi left his father alone and went to his bedroom. He plopped down on his bed without changing and closed his eyes.

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