The Beginning

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Sunny day hit the school called Sugisawa third high school giving them another yet peaceful day

" Are you sure about this?" Itadori ask the two Senpai's who nodded he took a glance at H/c female who put her chin on the palm of her hands

"Y/n?" Itadori ask, the eye patch female who smirk

"You shall not worry, when danger arises I The Lady of Snow shall freeze them for all eternity." She said putting her hand in her chest all of them put their hand on the coin.

"Here we go!" All of them nodded

"Spirits, spirits, please tell us.."all their serious faces was immediately change into silly faces

"Which creature is the student council President barely weaker than?!"The coin begun to move making them excited,


The sound of laughter was then heard within the room

"A see angel can beat him?"Yuji said

"What a small fry!"

Y/n put a hand on her mouth giggling with them she then composed her self and cross her arms on her chest.

Their laughter was cut short when someone opened the door it was the Student council

"Occult club!" said the president the Yuji turned around

" Hey plankton President! What's up!" Yuji exclaimed the H/c female covered her mouth again and cough trying to cover up the laugh.

" As you were previously told research club with no real activities must forfeit its club room." Said the president pushing his glass

" So vacate this room at once!" Said the the president, Y)n stood up and put the chair she sat on in it's respective place

Well it's because she doesn't belong in the occult club, she's just here to accompany her companion.

" You shouldn't underestimate our members president." Yuji replied

Sasaki stood up grab something at the shelves and slammed it at the table

"You know about our rugby being cause of right?"


' Rugby field? Right I have to take care of that vile creature and that is precisely why I've brought my sword and hid it somewhere ." Y/n thought nodding to herself

"Which means!  The whole disaster at the rugby field was caused by the vengeful spirit of Yoshida-san who's buried there!"

' oh? Her intuition are correct about someone was buried there but the cause of illness is far from that...' Y/n thought

Everyone was happy except for the two the president and the eye patch female

"No it was caused by ticks." The president broke their cherry atmosphere

"Hard ticks. A large, blood-sucking bug. If one bites you and infects It can be fatal." Y/n explains before the president could

Sasaki was taken back before slumping down to the chair clearly dejected

" Gomen, senpai." Said Y/n waving her hand as a apology who just nodded.

"So what?! As the occult research team, were hypothesizing about the occult! It's respectable club activity!" Yuji defended

" This isn't some kid's game! The biggest problem here is.." he said

"You two, Itadori Yuji and L/n Y/n!" Said the president

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