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Wangshu Inn is a place of many tales, you've come to realise while apprenticing with Smiley.

With countless travellers gathered in a single hotspot, stories are traded like mora in a busy Liyue marketplace. Narratives of the famed traveller who subdued dragons are tossed easily around the rooms. In the inn's back corners, a few hushed voices gossiped about the Favonius Calvary Captain's lascivious lifestyle. And loud voices ringing from the ground floor never failed to praise Dawn Winery's good alcohol. 

However, none of these tales caught your attention so much as one rumour about a mysterious young man. 

It was a conversation you overheard from the Wangshu Inn's owner that first stroked your curiosity. 

Ever since then, you found your gaze drifting towards the balcony. Sometimes, you efforts would be rewarded by the sight of a figure leaning on the railings. He always stood still. Never spoke to anyone. Staring out at the Liyue harbour, his whole person gave off a sense of melancholy. 

After a month of watching him brood by himself, you decided to join him by the railing. 

"Hey–" you started. His head snapped towards you in surprise, then he vanished in a puff of black vapour. What.

You looked around completely dazed, wondering if he was playing a trick on you. A million questions raced through your head. You feel somewhat disconnected from reality. "Did I... scare him away?"

You didn't see him again for two months. 

"Verr, y'know the guy that hangs out on the balcony sometimes? The one with the green hair. What does he do, exactly?" Your boss seemed a little startled by your question.

"I didn't know you were the curious kind, (Y/N)." She smiled at you.

"That didn't answer my question." You responded with a huff, "The other day, I went to say hi, since he's always alone and all. And the guy just vanished? In a cloud of black mist? I didn't even have the time to be offended. Rather, how is it possible for a person to disappear in the first place?"

Verr chucked. You bet she took great pleasure in watching you struggle with the rando. "Don't take his actions to heart, (Y/N). Although I'm afraid I can't answer your questions about that person, I can assure you that he does not avoid you out of malice... He's... lived through a lot. More than I can tell you. I don't think he enjoys interacting with people in general."

"Ah," you thought, "so he's antisocial."

The next day, you were helping Smiley clean up in kitchen. Before wrapping up, you snagged a serving of leftover almond tofu. Perks of being an apprentice for the kitchen—free food. 

After making sure to drizzle plenty of sugared syrup on top of the silky tofu, you packed it up in a small to-go container. You climbed the stairs out of the kitchen, glanced briefly at the figure standing at the balcony, then made your way-

You rubbed your eyes. 

You looked directly at the man leaning on the balcony railing. His hair was slightly tussled by the evening breeze. The same position. The same melancholy. It's almost as if two months didn't go by since your last meeting (if you could even call it a meeting).

The logical part of brain told you to just go home. He obviously didn't enjoy your company, why waste both your times trying to cosy up to him? On the other hand, though, when did you listen to your brain?

This time when you stepped onto the balcony, he seemed prepared for your presence.

"Hey." A sense of deja vu. His golden orbs locked onto yours. Surprisingly, no black vapour (yet). He seemed to be in a good mood. 

It was strange. Although you've thought so much about this man, when he's finally in front of you, your mind felt oddly blank. You racked your brain for questions, topics for small talk—anything to fill the growing silence.

 "Do you like almond tofu?" Was what came out of your mouth.

You had one job, (Y/N). 

It's okay, just stop talking. You can still fix this. 

"I-I mean, I have some right here. Took it from the kitchen, hahah. I think it's still warm?" 

Damn you, mouth. Your ears reddened. Unexpectedly though, his eyes shifted down to the container you clutched in your hand. He seemed oddly interested. 

Curiously, you lifted the container and set it on the railing. His eyes followed. This was the most emotion you've seen him show in the months you spent at the inn. You made a few calculations in your head, then you cast your bait. 

He watched you slide, then stop the almond tofu in front of him. He stared at the container for a solid minute. You waited. Fishing required patience, after all.

After another minute, he took the bait. Twisting the lid open, he gulped at the scent of your almond tofu. Strange balcony man: Caught.

"Oh, almost forgot. Here's a spoon for that." You smiled at him, offering him a spoon wrapped in tissue paper. His hand reached out to receive it, you never noticed how long his fingers were. Just before he could grab it, however, you pulled the spoon back, "My name's (Y/N), by the way."

He stared at the spoon, hand still extended. It might've been your imagination, but his eyebrows gave a little twitch. His eyes glanced up to meet yours again. 

"Xiao." He squeezed out. Geez, no wonder he hangs out alone. Still, you grinned at the chip you've made on this stone wall. 

"Nice to meet you, Xiao." His name felt oddly pleasant on your tongue. You wondered how yours would sound from his mouth.

"The spoon." Never mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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