Chapter 3

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Agent Hotchner wasn't coming until midday but I had a busy morning so the time passed by quickly. One of my boyfriends came because we had a project to work on and I was planning on kicking him out before Agent Hotchner would get here but it took us more time than expected. They accidentally met on his way out "Who was that?" Agent Hotchner asks as soon as I close the door
"Just a friend, we were working on a project all morning" I answer

"Just a friend?" he asks and I couldn't say if he was surprised or annoyed by it "You are literally under 24/7 surveillance for your safety and you bring guys home?" he asks totally judgemental

We just had homework to do and you are looking for a girl, right? Daniel is not a stalker or a serial killer" I answer
"You'd be surprised... But he was clearly eye-fucking you so be careful anyways" he says
"How do you know that?" I ask
"I saw it" he says and walks away.

I follow him into my room "Oh, wait a sec, are you jealous?" I ask
"Not even a little bit. I'm just curious" he says
"About?" I ask
"What would you want with a boy like him" he says. I open my mouth. "I doubt he even knows how to please you the right way to begin with" he adds.
"And you got all that for just a couple of seconds glare?" I ask
"That's my job" he answers.

"Ok, tell me more then" I say and I sit down to listen
"He only cares about getting into your pants and I highly doubt he even knows that ladies come first. Boys his age are all about getting the job done without giving a single care about how to treasure your body" he speaks smoothly as his eyes never left my body.
"And you do?" I ask biting my lip
"I'll let you figure that out. And one more thing..." he says and comes closer to me. So close that I could feel his breath against my skin "...I don't get jealous of boys" he whispers.

He walks away and goes to my jewelry box. He takes his wedding band back and puts it in his pocket instead of wearing it again. "Troubles at home?" I ask
"You can say that" he says
"Is it because of last night?" I ask
"Not really. It has been going on for a while now" he answers
"Affair? No... I don't believe it. How could a woman find better than you Agent Hotchner?" I ask
"I guess she found better but I think that I did too" he says looking at me and I bit my lower lip in order to keep myself from smiling. "You, on the other hand, you could do so much better than whatever that boy earlier was" he adds
"And you have anyone in mind Agent?" I ask innocently and a small smirk appears on his face.

"Because I don't. I only socialize with people my age. And you are right, boys my age are immature. A man is what I want, what I need" I admit
"Really?" he asks and sounded a lot more interested than he let it show although he did pause in thought for a moment, as he crossed his arms, causing his muscles to flex more under the suit's fabric.
"Yes" I answer watching him "I mean there's no shame in that. Like... I wouldn't blame you if you were interested in a younger girl" I say.

"And why would I be interested in a younger girl?" he asks preserving his perfect poker face
"Girls my age are nothing like you imagine, Agent Hotchner. If anything, so much more. Speaking for myself, I can certainly-" I pause trying to fight the grin as he looked me up and down, almost holding his breath and trying to keep in any sounds. "Doesn't matter" I chuckle shaking my head. I saw his jaw clench in frustration at my obvious teasing and I could almost swear a growl left his lips. "Anyway-" I clear my throat.

"I really can't stand it. I can't stand boys now, they're simply tiring. You literally have to spell it out for them to understand. They can't make a choice of their own. I mean am I asking for too much? Just for someone to rock my world but they have no idea how to use their hands properly, let alone anything else on their body" I explain without blinking away from him. "But sadly... not all men can be like you Agent Hotchner" I say and the smirk that he was trying to fight came back again. "Nobody can pull off a suit, the shirt and the tie the way you do. You're really rocking it, Agent" I add
"Thank you, but I'm sure you'd be able to pull off the shirt better than me" he says
"I don't think so. I don't have that many anyway because I don't feel like they are my style" I admit
"You will wear mine" he says
"I can't wait" I say.

The alarm on my phone goes off, interrupting us. He looks at my phone and then back at me. "Study group" I say and I walk to my office.
"Amelia--" he speaks but I interrupt him
"I know the rules. No more phone etc conversations with girls for longer than 10 minutes. But there is one smart guy in my class that I can work with" I say
"Is it the same guy that just left?" he asks
"I'll let you wonder" I answer and I open my laptop.

We didn't talk much after that and while he was here because I had to study. Eventually, after a long day, I finished after Agent Morgan came. "Are you done?" he asks as I collapse on the couch
"Yes and I'm really close to having a mental breakdown" I answer and I hear him chuckle
"So you don't want to hear how it went with Savannah on Friday?" he asks trying to take my mind away from it
"Oh my God, I do! I totally forgot. Because I can't see her or talk to her normally you will tell me everything" I demand
"Ok" he chuckles
"Great. But I'm also hungry so do you want pizza? It's on me" I suggest
"Sure" he answers
"Ok, I will go have a quick shower while you order" I say
"Are you too shy to even order pizza?" he asks
"Yes, I am" I say and I run to my room.

As I walk in, I see a white shirt on my bed with a note on it.

"Just something to help you
grow your shirt collection
Happy birthday"

He remembered my birthday! I couldn't contain my smile or my excitement. I take the shirt and I wear it over my clothes. It was much bigger but I didn't care. His scent immediately took over and I didn't want to take it off of me ever again. It's like he is all over me and I love it. I bring the collar to my face and I sniff it. It is probably the best part since that's where most of his cologne is sprayed.

I already miss him...

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