Chapter 8

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I love hugs. So hi everyone.  I sending virtual hugs to everyone who read this.  💜

The silence in the car was deafening.

Honestly I hate silence it makes me think. And thinking hurts my head.

We have been traveling for a couple hours now. In the matter of two days I will be home.  I haven't come up with whats going to happen when I face my parents.

Huhhh. I already have headache. See as I said thinking hurts my head.

I looked over at Javis. His focus is on the road. Why does he have to look so serious all the time. Its gonna make him look old.

Right there right now my stomach choose to embarrassed me. Oh hell No!!! The loud rumble of hunger could have heard for a mile.


Javis looked over at me Smiling.
"If you were hungry you could have told me. I only bite a little bit".

Again I says if my skin color was light he would have seen my blush.

"Ok no need to be embarrassed i will stop somewhere to get you something to eat."

I smiled at him.

He pulled up to an café and got out the car. I was stepping out too but my feet embarrassed me this time and I trip hitting my knees and hands on the ground.


Well I don't think I was living up to my name for the longest while since I run away. So its too late to start now. So tears fill my eyes ready to run over. I was so  embarrass.

Javis quickly rush over his face smirking but when he saw my face his eyes soften. He quickly went down to his knees infront of me looking concern.

"Don't cry, it probably happened because you were sitting for hours."

If he is trying to cheer me up. He is doing a shitty job at it.

"Come on don't mess up that pretty face with ugly tears", He gently wipe the tears that was running down my face.

Then the unexpected happen, he pulled me into his arms and hug me. My cheeks was against his chest. His hands running through my short hair and up and down my back. I love hugs. My heart flutter.

I can hear the beating of his heart. It was beating very fast just like mine. Was it because we both want each other? It got to be the closeness. Even though our heart was beating way beyond normal they  beat simultaneously.

I soon calm down. But I want to remain in his arms. I don't want him to let me go.

My stomach rumble again.

"Come on pretty lets get you something to eat", He said as he helped me off the ground and dust off my legs.


"Can I have chocolate cake ,lemon cake, strawberry cake and a cappuccino?" I asked him looking at him with my dog eyes and sweet smile.

He lift his eyebrows.

"Weren't you sad a second ago?"

"Yea so? I have a sweet tooth. Our cook always make cakes for me and my brothers. I enjoy them." I reply.

He sigh. 

I walk pass him smiling.

"Come on Javis Tailman you have a hungry brat to feed."

Soon we were back on the road on our merry way. The car was filled with the aroma of cakes.

Javis bought all the stuffs I asked for. I will have to find a way to pay him back when I got back home.

I was moaning at each bite I put in my mouth.

Javis keep glancing at me.


I asked when I caught him the tenth time.

"Nothing" was his answer.

I wanted to keep the conversation going.

"So how exactly you get to own a security company that does investigation as well at such a young age?" I asked.

I thought he wasn't going to answer me but he did.

"I'm not that young actually.  I'm 29."

" Are you crazy?. "Duhh thats young".

"Are you going to listen or are you going to annoy me Falcon?"

I did the zip sign on my lips.

"Good as i was saying I am 29 and  I was an orphan. This guy adopted me when I was 12. Put me through school when he saw my talent and love for the army he encourage me to apply.  He had some connections in there so I was put on the special force. I spend 10 years in the army then I retired early. He was a good man".


"Yea he died the same year I retired.  Actually he was the reason I retired. He died after an heart attack. And he put me as the heir to inherite his company".

"I'm sorry to hear".

"Its ok"

"He was a great inspiration to me. That's how I knew your father. My adopted father and him did some business years ago. He never told me what".

This got me thinking. Did Javis adopted father forge the papers that say we are Mama and Papa children.

"You know you are very beautiful when you think." He then said.

I quickly turn to him. I could feel my heart flutter again.

He smirk knowingly.

I smile happily.

If he keep this up I might have a heart attack of falling in love. ...

Hey peeps chapter 8. Javis got words. Lol. They so cute. Vote and tell me what you think.

《》 beammm1

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