First Day

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It had been a couple of weeks since Deku was brought back home and he worked on controlling his quirk, because he wanted to go to UA to become a hero. His mother was reluctant to allow him to, but she could see he really wanted to, so she allowed him to. He passed the entrance exam and was walking to the front doors of UA High School. "Izuku?!" A voice says behind and he stops and turns to look and found an ash blonde hair with crimson eyes staring at him surprised. Deku at first was confused until he realized it was his childhood friend Katsuki Bakugou.

"You're going here Izuku?!" He says walking up. "Yes, and it's Deku!" He tells him before continuing to walk. Bakugou walked beside him. He heard on the news that Deku was found and saved, but he didn't know Deku got into UA, and was also confused by his black left eye and hand print scar on his face. Deku also had bags under his eyes but he still had his usual kindness in it. "How come I never saw you at the entrance exams?" Bakugou asks. "I don't know, but I'm sure you would've heard me. That loud screeching was me." Deku explained and Bakugou knew what he was talking about. In the exam, he heard a faint scream once in a while.

"What's your quirk then..?" He asks as well and Deku looks over at him. "It's Perfect Pitch." He says before explaining it. Deku notices he was sort of dazed. "Something wrong Kaachan?" Deku asks. "No it's just.. I haven't seen you. In YEARS! I hear the on the News that they found you but I still didn't know you were gonna come here!" Bakugou explains. "Well, it's a small world after all!" Deku jokes with a laugh and elbows his friend's arm playfully. It was silent between the two until they got into the school and started walking down the hall to their classroom.

As they walked though, everyone in the halls looks at Deku, pointing and whispering. "Guess they've all seen he news about me being found." Deku comments, looking around at them but their gazes avoided his when he looked at them, almost as if they were.. afraid or disgusted by seeing him. He didn't blame them. He looks worse for wear and has a hand print scar on his face. Something he remembers very vividly and wish he didn't. However he did feel much safer being back around Kaachan. "Yeah well what do you expect?? You were missing for years." Bakugou comments, a bit harsher than he intended but Deku didn't take it personally.

They get to Class 1-A and walk in. They're met with some students there already! Two were goofing off, one blonde hair with black streak in his hair and a spikey red haired boy, who were being scolded by another boy with flat blue hair and glasses moving his arms like a robot. Bakugou just scoffs and ignores them as he walked over to his desk and sat down, putting his feet up on the desk which got the glasses guy's attention and soon was being scolded at. Deku just stood there awkwardly before walking to his desk and sitting down quietly. I feel a bit out of place here. He thinks to himself.

He just decided to stay quiet and observe his classmates who came in. Luckily, they also didn't pay any mind to Deku. A red and white haired boy walks into the classroom and takes a seat, closely followed by a girl with black hair up in a ponytail. More and more just kept coming and he noticed a particular one. A girl with short brown hair. He noticed her during the entrance exam, and was destroying robots left and right pretty much. Unfortunately, her gaze meets Deku and she walks over with a bright smile. "Hi there!! I think I saw you during the entrance exam. I'm Ochako Uraraka! What's your name?" She asks, a little too cheerful for it being this early in the morning.

"Just call me Deku.." He replies more quietly than her. "Huh, kind of an odd name, but okay! You got a pretty cool quirk! It reminds me of Present Mic!" She tells him, confusing Deku. "Oh, uhm, thanks..?" Who is Present Mic? He thought silently to himself. She blabbered on but Deku wash really listening. At least she doesn't ask about my appearance. He added to himself. Suddenly he classroom is completely full and the bell rings, having everyone take their seats just as the door slid open. A disheveled looking man in a yellow sleeping bag hopped in and tonne front before unzipping it and climbs out.

"Alright, listen up. I'm your homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa, welcome to Class 1-A." He tells everyone, but he didn't look or sound happy. He just looked tired and irritated. And I thought I had some serious bags! Deku thought to himself but kept listening. "Today we're just gonna do an assessment with different tests to see how you guys work with your quirks. So go get changed into your gym clothes and meet outside." Mr. Aizawa finishes explaining before dismissing everyone. Everyone gets up and leaves to go get changed. As Bakugou walked to the boys locker room, Deku just followed him silently, and thankfully, the blonde didn't mind.

They all get changed and start walking down the hall to head outside. As the students walk down the hall though, they see All Might walking down in the opposite way. "No way!! It's All Might!!" Mina squeals and soon most of the class was waving and cheering. All Might let's out a hearty laugh, his signature smile meeting everyone's gaze as he walked down the hall. "Good luck, students!" He tells all of them. Deku glances up at All Might in awe when passing by, and All Might meets his gaze. Even though he stays cool on the outside, All Might starts freaking out on the inside.

That's him! That's the boy!! He thought to himself, recognizing the boy's messy green hair and hand print scar. All Might watched him disappear behind a corner and kept heading to the teacher's lounge. It's perfect that he's here! It's all working out. He thought to himself.


Deku let's out a sigh of exhaustion after all of the tests. He barely managed to pass, and now his throat was sore from using his quirk so much. "Hurry up here or I'll leave you behind!" Bakugou yells at him, getting his attention. Deku nods and closes his locker, hurrying to walk beside his friend. What they were not aware of was that All Might was standing in front of a window, watching them walk away.

I need to know what All For One is up to.

This was mostly for someone who reinspired me! XD you know who you are.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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