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  • Dedicated to Sheena Gonzales

Allison was busy trying to prepare dinner for her ‘dear’ husband. She often used the word dear loosely but always in her head. There was no way she would risk angering him any more than he normally is. For some reason, she couldn’t force herself to leave her home life. Derek was a very attractive chocolate man. Very successful in the business sense. Since meeting him she has never had to want for anything. Well besides a little freedom. The most freedom she is allowed is to the grocery store or retail store for household items. Even being such an influential businessman, she still was the seen not heard wife. He never invited others to their home for any reason and for sure she wasn’t allowed to socialize at his work functions.

Being the shy type any way, she didn’t really mind the solitude. Paranoia of people ogling her made her skin crawl. Derek on the other hand was the complete opposite. For one he oozed sex appeal. When she first met him while working at a simple breakfast restaurant, she knew for a fact he was well out of her reach. However he still tried to come on to her. She was young, inexperienced, and broke. ‘Why would a man as fine and as educated as he, want me?’ She often questioned herself getting no answer of course. His dark chocolate complexion, built stature, and dressed for success at every hour of the day was a true intimidation. Allison mainly wore sweats or baggy jeans and shirts to hide her thick figure. Derek would just call her fat if he saw too much. Mainly the only time he wanted to see her in next to nothing was in one of his hormonal times of the month.

The thought alone would be crazy to hear if she hadn’t been living it for the past eight years. Once or twice a month he would have those urges to get his rocks off. Well that was how he always phrased it. It was never romantic, always sleazy and trashy. If anything she didn’t feel cherished like women are in the movies, she feels like his dumping post. Nothing sensual or intimate as love making. Mainly dominating, demeaning sex acts that always left little to the imagination. He would tie her to their bed while she wore some trampy outfit that he would pick out. After he would relieve himself on her exposed body parts he would demand she get the mess cleaned up so he can get some sleep.

Sadly throughout all the times he has brought her to tears she still jumps to when he says jump. Damn questioning ‘how high’ she didn’t want her face to the floor like so many other times. There would be periods where he would be so angry that any sharp breath she took too loudly resulting in him teaching her a lesson. A lesson that she had yet to learn because it wasn’t quite clear. She didn’t understand why he would be so angry. The one time she asked could she go to school he hit the roof and then her. That beating verbally and physically was enough to remind her to never bring that up again. If she valued her life with no friends or family, who would raise questions of her whereabouts, she quickly learned to roll with the punches.

“Derek?” She called out. Having heard the front door open, she knew he had just walked in. They kept their doors locked so there was no doubt it had to be him. The alarm sensors chimed when the doors were opened. Why wasn’t he replying though? “Honey?” For sure she wasn’t hearing things. Maybe he went back out to the car just as quick as he came in. That had to be the only answer.

Shrugging her shoulders she finished making his plate. That was one of his main rules. ‘Have my supper on the table when I get home! Or else.’ There was no way she was going to suffer the remnants of an ‘or else’ warning. It had been a bit since he last laid hands on her and if she could help it, she would do her best to not drive him to it. ‘Where the hell was he?’ If this dinner got cold she would be in a shit load of trouble being another one of his pet-peeves. It was unfair, he would complain about not having his dinner prepared on time and then take his time getting to it resulting in it getting cold. Only if she could shout that to his face.

“Derek? Dinner is ready.” She started towards the front of the house. There was no sign of him being home in the living room so she headed towards his office. Hearing some papers and other things moving around, she knew he must have been in one those moods. Swallowing the fear she possessed, she pushed the door open only to stop dead in her tracks.

“Who are you?” She questioned watching two large Caucasian men rambling through her husband’s things. “Why are you going through my husband’s things? How did you get in here?” She rambled question after question. Instead of being smart about the issue at hand she was more focused on her own safety once Derek returned home to find this mess. She would ultimately be blamed for this.

“Well good evening Mrs. Myers.” One of the men spoke with a hard tone of voice. Fear instantly crept up her spine but she was frozen in the spot she skidded to a stop in. A scream was tickling the back of her throat and they must be a wiz in reading those thoughts.

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The other guy said smoothly while removing his pistol from the holster under his arm. “Be a good girl and have a seat, right here.” He pointed to the leather chair in front of the desk. Once she was seated, she didn’t dare make a peep.

“Now it would be very wise of you to cooperate with us and you won’t be hurt. Does that sound like a plan?” The first guy asked and she nodded to afraid to open her mouth.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s rude to nod when you have a perfectly good mouth willing to do the work?” The other mocked. “Now let’s try this again.”

“Y-yes.” She stuttered out. He smiled a gorgeous smile that made her want to slap herself for admiring his perfect white teeth.

“Good. We are looking for something very important. Do you think you can assist us in that?”


“Where does Derek keep the money?”

“W-what money?”

“Now, now Mrs. Myers. Let’s not play coy.”

“N-no…” She cleared her throat to get her point across. “I mean Derek handles everything. I-I’m not allowed in here. He doesn’t tell me anything.” Allison said sadly.

“Well sorry to say dear, we have to take you for a ride. Will you be a good little girl and go quietly? Or do we have to use more drastic measures?”

“N-no…I can’t. If he finds out… He will be so angry.” She pleaded with them.

“He won’t be doing a thing right now but to insure you cooperate further…” He trailed off raising up from his perch on the edge of the desk. She didn’t know what was coming next but she knew it couldn’t be good. “Sleep…”

Allison’s struggled to remove the cloth from over her face that proved pointless as everything went black. ‘Why was this happening,’ was her last conscious thought.

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