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the talk

The next day at school was both, boring, yet still exhausting. Clay was trying his best to get himself to feel something for George, whereas George tried to not get too clingy and attached. Nick was simply watching them. As first period started, George immediately walked to the toilet stalls; he had no interest in actually going to school.

First period was the worst. He didn't like the teacher, the teacher didn't like him. The fact that he almost always missed that class didn't make their relationship any better. George tried to keep his tears in since he didn't want Nick to worry even more about his best friend. Random memories appeared in his head, he was far away from reality as the door to the toilets suddenly opened. One of the secretaries stood on the other side. "Hello, George, I believe?" she said. He nicked. "I will ask you to come with me" George already kind of knew what was coming. After all, he probably skipped more classes than he had been to in the last few weeks. The backpack clung onto his back, his hands were buried in the front pocket of his sweatshirt. "I reckon you already know where I'm bringing you and why. I saw you enter the bathroom stalls earlier and saw this as the perfect opportunity to come get you," she said, "First, there was the incident with the drugs, now you're basically skipping all of your classes. We actually worry about you since this is not the way students normally act" George only nodded.

The two of them entered the principal's office, him getting seated in front of him and the lady disappearing behind the door they previously walked through. "George Davidson," the principal read from the sheet of paper on the desk, "classes missed, 106 in the last one and a half months. Days missed, ten in total. Incidents, intoxicated at school," he continued reading. George was unbelievably embarrassed. "I am believing to think there are some bigger issues we're dealing with here?" The brunette nodded and looked at his lap, "please don't suspend me," he begged. "You're not here because I want to suspend you. You're here because I want you to get help, George. I believe your parents don't know? As we called them the other day, they didn't seem to know you were going to school. Where you actually were is none of my business, though," he said. "I was at home, Sir, they simply didn't notice I was," George said. "Alright, I'm guessing the issue we're dealing with has to do with your parents. Do you want me to get you a therapist or do you want to get one on your own? As school, we see ourself responsible for your well being. If that means, we partly need to care for our students, we will do it. I will also remove the drug incident from your record since there is obviously something wrong," the principal said. "Uhm I will try to get one myself, Sir," George answered and looked up for the first time, seeing the actual worry on the man's face. "I believe in you, George. Whatever you're going through, it will get better. You can go back to your class now," the headmaster ordered. George nodded, grabbed his backpack and left the office. He waved at the secretary who was busy talking to someone on the phone. He stood in the middle of the hallway, waiting for the start of the next class.

He wouldn't go into that room for only ten minutes, there was no point in doing so. The door at the far back opened and the tall blonde guy revealed himself. Ah yes, exactly who he wanted to see, George's heart started racing. Partly because he felt exposed, partly because it was Clay. "George?" the guy said. "Yes?" he replied. "Don't you have class?" Clay asked confused. "Uhm no, the teacher's sick," he quickly lied. The blonde walked up to him and pulled him into a hug, George's arm slung around Clay's torso. The taller pressed a peck onto the other's forehead, followed by his lips. George felt butterflies in his stomach. "Why don't you go to class, George?" Clay asked. "I already told you, the teacher is sick," George said confused. "George, I know I haven't known you for long, but long enough to know when you're lying. So, why aren't you in class right now?" "I hate that stupid teacher," he answered honestly. It wasn't the whole truth, but it was the reason he didn't go there in the first place. "Alright," Clay answered and placed his fingers under the other's chin. He pressed his lips softly on the other's. "I'll see you at lunch, baby," Clay said as he let go off George to get back to his class. He had totally wasted his toilet pass there. George still stood at the same spot, he had said baby

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