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A/N: sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes i did not proofread lol

You woke up obviously tied down. Your eyes were still closed but you could tell you were in a bright white room. Eventually you opened your eyes to see your 'father' standing in the corner with a tablet in his hand.

He noticed movement so he looked towards you seeing you were awake. He walked over to you and bent down close to your face as if he was looking for something causing you to look away and your natural hair to fall over your face seeing as he found it anyways he moved away from you and typed something into the tablet he was holding and once he was done he turned right back around to face you.

"well since you're awake and you already know what you're here for let's get started shall we" he smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile. It was malicious, it was a smile that betrays all innocence.

You tried using your quirk but as soon you activated it, a wave of electricity hit you, causing you to scream and tears to fall effortlessly from your eyes and once it stopped you were trembling. You looked down trying to find the source of what caused it but it was then that you noticed there small wires wrapped around you as if you were a Christmas tree. The wires cutting and melting into your skin, the thick crimson substance as you all know as blood running from each cut.

As you looked around the room even more you came to find you were comnected to a bunch of wires along with a needle stuck into your left arm.

A few minutes had gone by now and you didn't feel anything, no changes or differences. Well looks like you spoke well thought to soon.

There was a liquid starting to be pumped into the tube from your left arm and as soon as it entered your system you felt nauseous. Mere seconds later you saw some type of blue substance coming from your arm into the right tube which was being led into what resembles a blood bag.

Whatever was happening to you, you didn't like it one bit, Your head had started hurting and your muscles started contracting, your silent tears falling free from the cages of your eyes.

Just as you were trying to keep your composure as best as you could you body basically shut down. You started coughing so you turned to the side leaning your head away from the hospital like bed you were laying on and just then had your food from last night came up and as this was happening an idea popped up into your head. The machines were close to you so you could easily just aim your head a certain way causing the vomit to cover the machines and hopefully mess them up. But once your stomach was empty you knew it wouldn't be wise to do that right now. You knew this was gonna happen again and again and again until you were nothing but brittle bones. You had to wait til he was out of the room, you had to scan your surroundings a little more, try to figure out the technology of these needles and what connected to what. You needed to come up with a plan and fast ben's it wasn't gonna be long before the next session

You leaned back against the bed, your chest heaving up and down as you tried to catch your breath. You saw he was on the phone with someone and hung up seconds later. You were honestly too out of it even understand what he was saying but moments later, 3 people strolled into the room. One of them being dressed in a black lab coat with black scrubs to match and One of the others had a white lab coat with blue scrubs under and the last of this trio was dressed in a all black handyman jumpsuit, he also had walked in with a cart full of cleaning supplies. Guess he was the janitor, The man in the white coat had a leather bag in his hand and when he came to your side and opened it on the empty small table beside the bed, there was medical tools so you were guessing he was a doctor. Then the woman dressed in all black, she was gorgeous you had to admit. The way her type 4 type hair framed her face, the curves she was sporting, her eyes they were evil and proved evil existed but they were a beautiful honey brown in contrast to her darkskin. The malicious grin spread across her face sent shivers down your spine.

The janitor cleaned up your mess while the 'doctor' cleaned around your mouth and brushed your teeth and tongue, then proceeded to take a needle and while he was holding your mouth open injected it on the underside of your tongue. You winced at the pain, your eyes scrunching up
in discomfort. Then next thing you know, you're coughing up blood, your vision going blurry and all you could see was red, you felt the thick crimson liquid dripping from your nose. At this point you were finding it hard to breath, carbon dioxide filling your lungs. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your body convulsed and mentally you weren't there, you weren't anywhere in paticular.

But you could still feel everything, you don't know what caused your mind to go into this unconscious state but you were glad it happened. You were walking down a emerald green hallway, the walls glossy and the floors were proxy floors with green and a milky white as the base colors with gold marbling here and there.

It was a long walk you could tell that much but you kept going because maybe at the end will be a way to get out of the situation you're in right now maybe just maybe, and you were gonna hold onto that maybe. Although this felt all too familiar, like you've done this before a really long time ago, memories flashed in your mind at the thought. Blood, tears, water... hospital. It was then you remembered you and your mom could contact each other through your minds but you both had to be in a unconscious state. Once you realized what this place was you ran to the familiar gold plated door swinging it open as soon as you got to it. There your mother was sitting in a chair reading a book.

"mom" you sobbed out running over to her and basically tackling her to floor making sure not to hurt her in the process.

"what's wrong princess, why did you call out for me?" she took her hand using it to push away the hair from your face and rub your head in the process.

"dad, he took me and me he's doing all these horrible things to me. You remember what we talked about before i left for school? What he wanted to do with me? Well he's executing that plan and i think im about to die but you know that wont stop him from juicing me." her eyes widened in shock at your words.

"baby try to stay alive for me okay, im gonna contact katsuki and the school and let them know, also give me your hands i need to track your location" she held out both of her hands waiting for you to place yours in hers.

After a couple of minutes she let go of your hands and opened her eyes.

"okay i got your location, i love you and ill see you soon, yeah?" you nodded your head in response and pulled her in for a hug.

You shot up, still being restricted by the black machinery connecting you to the hospital like bed.

The bleeding had stopped for the most part except for the fact there were cuts on your wrist and ankles from being restrained.

Well this is fucking torture.

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