we missed you

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The closer you got to the dorms the more your anxiety levels rose. You didn't know why you were anxious but you were. Maybe because you were gone for a week and maybe you were scared that nobody cared. A million thoughts took over your mind as the uber pulled over to the dorms.

You were broken from your thoughts to hear bakugou shaking you slightly and calmly saying your name while mina was snapping her fingers in front of your face. You jumped a little but relaxed when you realized who you were with.

"come on we're back, don't be nervous I can practically read your thoughts just by your facial expression" bakugou said after helping you out of the car. He turned towards you and placed your chin between his fingers bringing a soft kiss to your lips.

Once he pulled away you looked down at your feet sheepishly, trying to bite back the smile forming on your face but to no avail. He threw his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him as the three of you began walking towards the entrance. Your hands were starting to get sweaty and you had to wipe them on the pants you were currently wearing which you couldn't wait to get out of.

When you all walked through the doors. You spotted everyone from class 1-a in the common area. Most of them with their backs towards the corridor. Others had their head in their hands not paying much attention to their surroundings.

You turned around a little, hushing both mina and bakugou. You all stealthy made your way towards the common room where everyone was sitting around oblivious to what was to come in a matter of seconds. Once you were close enough you cleared your throat eliciting a low growl from Kirishima. He had his head down, his fingers tugging at his hair strands in frustration.

"Monoma I swear if you come back over here one more time, I will castrate you leave us alone" he said through gritted teeth.

You smirked and coughed trying to get them to lift their heads.

"You know wha-" kiri froze as he looked up to not see the person he thought was standing before him. His eyes turned glossy, and a choked sob escaped his throat as he lunged forward tackling you to the ground. His tears fell onto your neck as he held you as close to him as possible. His sobs racking through the quiet room. You groaned rubbing your back as you sat up a little and draped your amrs around him, causing him to cry harder. At this point everybody was looking at was going on, there eyes widening as they seen you.

"bestie I'm so.... sorry. I told you id protect you...and look....what happened" the red haired boy said between sobs and once he calmed down a little he pulled away from your neck and looked at you. You were thinning, your skin had lost a lot of it's color, you had eye bags and not to mention your hair was a mess.

"its okay I promise" you smiled softly. "I just need to flush my body of all the drugs I was injected with" the latter's eyes widened as his eyes scanned over your body once again.

"he injected you with drugs?"
you nodded at his question and you could see his face expressions changing. From sad to disgust to fear to anger. He abruptly stood up.

"Im gonna fucking kill that-"

"kiri they already took him to prison it's fine, he deserves to rot. Not the courtesy of being killed" you stood up with him as he engulfed mina into a hug but you came crashing down again as your other best friend tackled you down.

"you'd think my back was broken by how much y'all love to tackle me" you sighed bringing your arms around the yellow haired male rubbing his back as he sobbed into your shirt scrunching it in his hand, snot and tears staining it as he blew into your shirt which you made a disgusted face at but didn't push him away. His hold on your shirt tightened as his body shook with his cries.

"its okay, I'm here" you murmured reassuringly

No words left his mouth he just continued hugging you as if you were going to leave any second.

After a few minutes your back started to hurt. "okay okay, i promise im not going anywhere but i need to go take a shower" denki nodded his head and got up you followed right after.

That's when everybody else was in a circle with a small opening for you and denki to join, you all had a long silent group hug.

Once everybody had talked to you and made sure you were okay, you made your way upstairs to your beloved bedroom bakugou pacing behind you. Once you both made it to your bedroom you grabbed the remote and plopped down on your bed. The blonde male climbed on top of you and held onto you tightly. 

You ran your fingers through his hair which he let out a satisfied hum to. You opened Netflix and put it on a random movie, it was honestly just for background noise.

You sighed constently but then remembered you came up here to shower. "baby get up, I need to go take a shower" the male only grunted and his grip on you loosened in the slightest so you had to wiggle your way out of his arms and once you did that successfully he pouted, sticking out his bottom lip.

"I promise I'm not going anywhere. Come shower with me" you smiled holding out your hand. He stared at your hand a got up putting his hand into yours. You pulled him towards your bathroom and took a towel out for the the both of you. You could tell he was tired but you both needed a shower badly.

You turned on the water to your desired temperature then you both stripped of the clothing that was clinging to your body from the blood, sweat and tears. You put both of your clothing in the laundry basket you had sitting in the corner of the bathroom.

While you were at the 'facility' they'd only allow you to take cold showers. You were shivering when you stepped out of the shower and your body temperature would not go up no matter how hard you tried. From rubbing your hands together to piling 20 blankets on top of your body but to no avail. You would still be freezing cold and you knew it had something to do with the drugs you were forcefully injected with.

The two of you stepped into the shower, you instantly groaned happily at the feeling of the hot water hitting your skin. The feeling almost foreign, you forgot how good hot showers felt. You closed your eyes and let out slow and deep breaths, relishing in the water. Katsuki was watching you in curiosity as it had looked like you just had an orgasm.

You opened your eyes and grabbed your body wash and squirted some into your hand, lathering it up between your palms then slowly working it over his body. He had his eyes closed as he relished the feeling, it was intimate without being intimate which was something you really enjoyed...alot. Once you finished with him he returned the favor and did your body scrub for you and everything.The only thing you did by yourself was shave and you had done that once he got out of the shower.

You desperately needed to wash your hair but you would just do it tomorrow since it was getting late and it usually took you hours to do your hair.

Once you got out of the shower you dried yourself using your towel then put on your silk robe and did your skincare routine then brushed your teeth. When you finally walked out of your bathroom you saw your boyfriend with nothing but basketball shorts on, sprawled out on the bed, one of his arms covering his eyes as his chest lightly fell and rose with each breath he took. You smiled and made it over to where you kept your body care stuff.

You put on some lotion and deodorant, then you sauntered over to your dresser and pulled out a pair of underwear and a sports bra, then opened bakugou's drawer and pulled out a white shirt.

You slipped all of them on then made you way over to your bed laying on top of the blonde haired boy and grabbed the blanket and pulled over both of your bodies. He wrapped his arms around you when he felt you climb on top of him. You needed to flush the drugs from your system but you would just do it tomorrow. You snuggled into his neck and you both eventually fell asleep with a smile on your face, happy he got you back knowing he was never letting you out of his sight ever again.

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