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Meredith and Addison attend a dinner party at Meredith's sister's apartment.

"Nice place you've got here," says Addison, as she enters George and Lexie's apartment along with her girlfriend.

"Thanks," says Lexie.

"Thanks for coming for dinner," says George.

"So, what's for dinner?" asks Meredith a little bit tensely, until Addison wraps her arms around Meredith's shoulders.

"Macaroni and cheese," says George.

"From the box, not from the freezer," says Lexie.

Addison raises her eyebrows, but Meredith smiles, and says it's her favorite.

"I practically got through college on boxed macaroni and cheese, plus sandwiches," says Meredith.

"My parents were health nuts, I was never allowed to have it," says Addison.

"Mine too," says Lexie. "And now that I live on my own, I can't stop making it," says Lexie.

"My brothers made it for me," says George. "When my mom and my dad were out, they had to feed me, and it was in the cupboard," says George.

"It's perfect," says Addison, as they sit down to the table.

"Oh, and if you want some fruit, it's in the fruit bowl," says Lexie, as she points to the repurposed bedpan.

"Oh, thanks..." says Addison, as she takes out a banana.

"There's no apples, because I hate them," says Lexie.

"Bananas are great, Lexie," says Meredith.

"Yeah, Lexie got us these blue placemats... From the hospital... And those O.R signs, and that painting on the wall, and those flowers," says George.

"My sister's a bit of a kleptomaniac," says Meredith affectionately.

"I'm not a kleptomaniac," says Lexie.

"And you, therefore, didn't steal those resident files?" says George teasingly.

"I put them back," says Lexie. "Not my fault my photographic memory means I've memorized them..." she says sheepishly.

"She's never stolen anything from you," says George to Meredith. "Or you," he says to Addison.

"Well, at first I thought she was stealing my friends, but she wasn't. And I also thought that she'd stolen my father from me, but that wasn't really her fault, so I'm getting over that one," says Meredith.

"She hasn't stolen anything from me," Addison laughs.

"Just you wait," says George.

"Ha, what would she possibly steal from me?" says Addison.

"You're a millionaire, she'll think of something," Meredith chuckles.

"Do you have a thing for shoes?" Addison asks Lexie suspiciously.

"No!" says Lexie.

"Good," Addison relaxes, and Meredith giggles.

"Do you have a TV? We could use a TV, says George.

"She's not going to steal a TV," says Meredith.

"I'm not, I already tried at the hospital, but they're bolted to the wall," says Lexie.

"I think my brother might have an extra TV," Addison offers.

"Hey, it won't be fun for her if you give it as a present," says Meredith.

"It'll be fun for me though," says George.

They all laugh together happily.






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