~can i call you tonight?~

910 31 67


Wake up! It's 9:00 already!

9:00 is too early!

Don't you have places to be or something

Places to be? Places to be!
Lunch with my family.

Yes! Thanks for waking me up.
I say in a tired voice.

I lean up rubbing my eyes and letting out one final yawn before getting dressed.

I put on a periwinkle sweater and a Jean skirt with a few silver necklaces to top it off

I put on a periwinkle sweater and a Jean skirt with a few silver necklaces to top it off

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I make my way out of the room nearly running directly into Adrien

Oh... hello

Are you ready?

Yeah. How do I look?
I hold my arms out looking down at my feet and doing a little spin

You look beautiful- I mean... I-

Thank you.
I say with a smile

Well.... we wouldn't want to keep your family waiting.

I look down at my feet

Do you think jojo would be super upset if we just didn't show....

I knew jojo would....

I know you are nervous... I know you don't want to do this, but jojo loves you.... and he looks up to you, I don't blame him. You are an amazing big sister to him. He needs you now more than ever kaili.

Well.... then I guess let's not keep them waiting.
I walk away and open the door starting off down the hallway

Kaili, are you okay?

I'm fine... really.

I enter the elevator avoiding looking at adrien.

I don't want to be drama filled or anything but my stepmom just ticks me off! It's everything about her and I just don't want to snap on her

I know you aren't okay
He says grabbing my arm and smiling at me

It's just.... what if I mess up and my stubbornness gets the best of me! Or I say something offensive or I snap out at her?

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