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~Kaili's p.o.v.~
I roll over and stretch in my bed. There was no light in my room except the faint yellow glow of a street lamp from just outside of the window. I can hear a vibrating noise radiating from my side table.

Who is it Plagg?

Adrien agreste...
Plagg mutters through a yawn.

At this time of night?
I stand up grabbing my phone

The clock read 4h30

Well, are you going to answer or just let it ring?
Plagg says peaking out from under the miniature blanket I crocheted for her

Well- I guess I could use more time to work on the outfits for the festival. I still have to do the final touches on mine, and joellas.

I answer the phone.

You are awake!

Now I am, what's up?

Nothing... I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I wanted to talk to you because I figured it would help me sleep.

Well I'm working on the outfits for the festival.

He gave me a tired smile

Did you call me because my boring talk about sewing and beading these outfits makes you tired and bored.

Mmm- yep.
He said with a nod

Ugh- rude.
I say laughing and throwing a sample sheet of gold fabric at the phone.

Well atleast you hit me with the pretty fabric.

Shut up.
I couldn't help but laugh. He always makes me laugh.

~adriens p.o.v.~
She doesn't put me to sleep.....
I could listen to her talk for hours.... I want to listen to her talk for hours.
I knew if I could get her on the topic of sewing she would talk to me about everything to do with it, she would show me everything she has ever sewn and all of the skills her mom taught her. I'm not interested in sewing but I am a bit interested in her I guess you would say.... She is a very interesting friend of mine

 She is a very interesting friend of mine

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She was truly.... Adorable

~kaili's p.o.v.~

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