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She's just...PERFECT!

Her hair,the ways she flips it whenever it seems to get in her face,her smile,the ways she pouts when I refuse to give her a hug.This girl just makes my heart melt.I can't help but think of her every second of the day.When I shower I could just hear her laughing in the most sexiest way ever.When I eat I envision her eyes and they way the disappear whenever she smiles.When I dream it's all about her.

Onika...my best friend of 7 years.That's the girl I'm talking about.It may seem weird because we've been friends for so long.I want to tell her how I feel but how will I know she feels the same?What if she doesn't and then thinks I'm weird for seeing her in that way?It hard to not think like this when your in love with your best friend.I don't want to toss so many years down the drain all because of this so I keep it to myself.No one knows.Not even my own parents.Mainly because they want me to find "the right man" and get married.So how would they react of they find out that their daughter is into a female?

We do everything together.We even flirt with each other from time to time so how could I not have feelings for her.The way she jokingly makes fun of my height and calls me 'Giant' makes those butterflies go crazy inside.Each day I wonder if I will embarrass myself infront of her.I try my best not to stutter or even blurt out that I'm in love with her at a very random moment.I even try not to have my eyes wonder in places they have no business being.Only Lord knows where my mind goes when it comes to her.

When in History class she would throw little notes of her rhymes and I would read them.Sometimes she would even through me random drawings.Every class I had with her was hard to focus in.When she walked in all my attention went to her.The glare in her eyes when it was sunny out was all I needed to look at to feel better.

"Part,Bey."she whispered from across the room.I glanced up from my paper just to see her making funny faces.I laughed a bit to loud this time."Ms. Knowles focus on your test."my teacher said to me.I looked back down at my paper just to see a little ball on it.I opened it but before I even got to read it "Ms. Knowles,are you cheating on a test?"my teacher asked.The whole class was staring at me.I was then sent to the Principal's office.She always got me in trouble.That was her favorite thing to do.

Finally the day was over which meant I could now leave detention.As soon as I walked out there was Onika waiting for me."You know what, I'm sick of you always getting me in trouble."I said.She chuckled and then replied with "It's not my fault that you're a bad kid."I've never been a bad kid a day in my life.I was always the one with straight A's with Onika has F's and maybe one C.My mom was picking me up today so we parted ways as I went to parent pick up and she went to the school bus pick up.''You better call me later."She yelled all the way from the other side of the building."You know I will."I replied while walking away.

Our call just ended so I should get some sleep.As I relaxed my body to then fall asleep I was just ready for tomorrow.I was ready to do it all over again.The school days end too soon.We don't really see each other outside of school so school is really our chill time.My eyes finally close and I have fallen into a deep sleep.

Behind A Mask:A Beynika Love Story(INCOMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now