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She came back!!! My partner is back and as such we will be contineing this story! Hope you enjoy

Third Person~

It was cold, dark, dusty, and horrible. Did he know any better? Not really.

It was always the same with him laying in the hard ground and hearing as their steps grew closer and closer before the door opened with a bright light from the other room that made him dizzy.

"Well, well looks like the brat is awake." The man said entering the small room. "And I was to think we'd finally be blessed with your death."

The small bundle of nerves on the floor shivered at his mockery and gave out a whimper that only caused laughter to bubble from the man's throat.

"Love you should have waited for me..." Came the pouty voice of a woman, "You know I love playing with them."

The attention was quickly directed over to the whimpering small figure; the same small figure who shrunk further and further into the corner of the room as the woman looked over at him with a predatory madness and amusement.

"Oh, don't worry sweetie." The woman chuckled to herself and came closer with steady steps before kneeling down to see him clearly. Roughly, she grabbed his jaw and looked him over, "We are just going to have fun with you."

Without a second thought, she slightly pulled him to the ground by his jaw and almost made him hit the floor if it wasn't for the woman's other hand which grabbed his hair in a fast motion.

"Don't think much about it." She told him in a whisper, "It will all turn well...for me atleast."

She looked long and hard at the thing in front of her. Loving the terror in those sea green orbs looking back at her. "Gabe, dear, do you think we might be able to use some of the toys this time? I feel it will make this a lot more... fun."

Her hand let go with no warning. His black hair fell forward, hiding his fearful eyes that pleaded with a last hope of mercy.

Shaking her head she went to walk away. The man, Gabe, sneered at him before calling for the woman, yet she didn't move for a long time and stayed in the doorway only watching with an unreadable emotion that was far from pity in his eyes.

"Sally!" The man called again and this time, the woman didn't look back.

Hope you enjoyed! I will not be takeing this story down. Have a good day, night, and evening. Bye💜

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