Best friends.

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Ellen and James MacGyver were driving to the hospital, when Ellen's water broke, out popped a baby boy. Ellen and James didn't know what to name him until they saw a sign. It said "Mission city steakhouse 100% Angus beef"
They named him Angus MacGyver.
Angus was named after a piece of beef.
Baby Angus went straight to the hospital, where he met baby Riley. Ellen and James met Riley's mother Diane Davis, She was dating Jack Dalton, who was also at the hospital.

Mac and Riley were neighbours right next door to each other. When Mac said his first word his parents were shocked it turned out to be "Riles."  Riley's first word was "Mac." Ever since they were inseparable.
3 years later Mac had a baby sister called Jody.

Mac and Riley went to the same school together. Where they met Wilt Bozer.
After high school Bozer moved away. Couple of years later graduating from College.
Mac and Riley went there separate  ways to explore different things.

Mac wanted to join the army, Riley was so worried about him, to keep herself distracted she learned hacking skills and ended up designing a code to be put to good use.

After Mac moves out, his family had their jobs to do. Ellen is a chemist professor. James is very secretive about his job, but Ellen knows what he really does. Everyone els thinks he works  in a "Think Thank".  Jody is studding to become a therapist.

Meanwhile Mac was in Afghanistan. Where he met Jack Dalton. At first they didn't get along, but after a while they became close. Mac and Jack were defusing bombs for a couple of years. Mac had a Swiss Army knife, which made things a lot more helpful. James gave it to him before Mac left home. Ever since then Mac carries it everywhere.

Mac and Jack came back home in one piece. 
Mac gave his family a long hug after not seeing them for long time. They had dinner together and enjoyed each other's company.
Mac and Riley hugged each other after a long time apart. They told each other everything that happened in the past couple of years.

After consideration Mac and Riley moved in as roommates. They were job hunting when suddenly, they  got a text. Jack had gotten the same text too. It said  "come blind folded and me meet outside in 10 minutes, I have a job offer for you."
At first they all thought it was a prank or something. Until they wanted to know what this was, so they did exactly that. They got put in a van and it drove off. When they got there, someone told them to take off the blind fold. Mac, Riley and Jack took it off only to be confused seeing James.
James told them everything and how they each had something special they could bring to the table. Riley and Jack were shocked. Mac was speechless as he looked around the fancy looking "Think Thank."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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