My Fanfic

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Okay, so I've been writing this fanfic, and it's about these twins, Austin and Casey, who travel to Storybrooke to find their father. I have like ten pages done but I'm not sure if I should scrap it or not so I decided I'd post a little bit of it on here. Tell me if you like it because if enough people do, I'll turn it into a story on my account!

My Untitled Fanfic

"Are you sure we can do this?" Casey asked, unsure if they could get away with their escape. "C'mon, Case, it'll work. We've been planning tomorrow for weeks now!" her twin brother, Austin, retorted. It was 11:08 at night, and the two of them were laying in bed on the third floor of the orphanage in New York City. Casey and Austin were planning to flee to find their father in a small town named Storybrooke. "It's just, I-I don't know if we can actually get out, let alone travel around the country on a wild goose chase for our dad without being sent back here." Casey said, fatigue getting the best of her as she starts to close her eyelids. "Casey, I am going to find our dad tomorrow, weather you're coming or not." Austin argued. Casey knew that that was a lie. Austin wouldn't dare separate from his only family, even to find their dad. "Fine," she said. "But you have to promise not to pick any fights." She finally fell asleep.

"Case, wake up. We gotta go. Now!" Austin whispered, waking her up. Austin pulled his suitcase out from under his bed, and did the same for his sister. He tiptoed over to the window with the fire escape. He opened the window and pushed the luggage outside. "Ugghhh, I don't wanna get up." Casey complained under her breath. She brushed her hair, got her jacket and shoes, along with her brother's, and followed Austin outside. They closed the window and quickly put on their shoes and coats. "It's really cold out. I'm happy we bought these yesterday." Casey said, holding up hand-warmers. They climbed down to street level with their suitcases, walked a block, and took inventory. They each had one hundred dollars from their secret jobs at the small cafe down the street, their metro cards, four outfits, a sandwich, ten granola bars, and gloves. They walked a while longer before getting a bus that took them to Maine. It was difficult to find a bus to Maine, but with the help of the computer at the orphanage, Casey was able to find a guy for only forty five bucks. Total save. The ride was a day long, and the bus was empty, with the exception of Casey, Austin, and two other women. One appeared to be the others grandmother. They were talking amongst themselves, exchanging glances with the twins frequently. Half way through the trip, the driver parked in the lot of a rest-stop, offering us a bathroom break. All four accepted, and exited the bus. Casey got a good look at the women. The younger girl, maybe in her mid-twenties, was wearing a white crop-top tank, with really short red shorts, and about seven pounds of makeup. The other one was wearing a old-lady church sweater with mom jeans and white keds. The contrast of style almost made Casey laugh. "So," the younger one said to them, "where in Maine are you guys going?" Casey looked at Austin. He wouldn't tell Casey where they were going, and as much as she asked, he kept it a secret. "Storybrooke, actually." He answered. She looked shocked. "What a coincidence, that's where we're going too." The twins glanced at each other, ready to walk away. "Oh, wait! I'm Ruby," said told them, forcing them back into conversation, "and that's Granny." she said, gesturing to her grandmother.


I hope you like it! Don't be afraid to give me feedback either! I love to hear what you guys think!

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