chapter 2

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*louis pov*

when i get inside i hear "okay guys, i have a roommate coming today and i am so excited for it. i am getting ready to make some late lunch for niall since he is always hungry.". i continue walking to the talking until i am in the kitchen, facing a tall lanky boy with green eyes that i could get lost in, and curly locks i want to run my fingers through.

"hello." i quietly speak, a little bit shy all of a sudden.

"hey, you must be lewis correct?" the man asks. i chuckle.

"close doll, my name is louis, louis tomlinson. you must be harry since niall says he has an extreme irish accent and yours is british." the green eyed boy blushes and shakes his head softly.

"sorry to say your name, but yes my name is harry. would you like to say hi to the camera?" the man asks. i look around for a camera and it suddenly clicks in my brain.

"you do youtube?" i ask. the boy nods softly.

"yes sir-ry. i do. say hi to my 89,000 fans." he says. i know he is not trying to brag because of how sweet and soft he looks. i look at the camera i see on the top of the counter and wave.

"hey, mates! i am niall and harry's new roommate. make sure to subscribe to mister harold here so he can hit one million." i smile at harry and he blushes.

"my name isn't harold, weirdo." he replies. i chuckle softly.

"i know, love, i am just messing with you. i have my stuff in the car that i am going to start unpacking. i heard that you are making food for niall, mind making some for me, too?" i ask and make a begging face. harry rolls his eyes and nods.

"yes, i will. niall should be upstairs in his room. he chose the room on the right of the hallways. mine is on the left next to yours. your room is closer to the stairs. the bathroom is right in the middle of our bedrooms." i nod and walk to my car, starting to unpack my bags. harry turns back to the camera after i leave and starts talking to them.

everything makes so much sense now. camera shy. harry is a famous vlogger and i had no idea. 89,000 followers? that's a ton. i don't have that much stuff to unpack, just three suitcases and two boxes. two suitcases has clothes and shoes, one has important things i need, football stuff, study equipment, and some toiletries that weren't necessities. one box has necessities i packed this morning and the other has decorations i want to put in my room, like a poster and some desk organization.

i walk upstairs back in the house with two suitcases and one box and walk up the stairs to see three doors on the left side of the hall and two on the right side. the two must be nialls bedroom and bathroom. i walk to the first room on the left and walk into a clean bedroom with a black desk, a television, two black nightstand (one on each side of the bed), a bed with a black bedframe, two windows, light grey walls, a closet with light grey doors that match the walls, and a black couch. wow, this room is awesome.

i set my suitcases on the bed and the box on my desk. i go down and grab the other suitcase and the other box, putting the suitcase by the other suitcases on my bed and the box beside the other box on my desk. i turn on some music, hoping it won't distract anyone, and start unpacking.

*harry pov*

after louis had walked upstairs and i turned my camera off after saying goodbye and i would update them on lunch, i sat down and just took a moment to breathe. louis is so tiny and cute and his eyes are ocean blue. he acts so sassy while he is so small.

man, i knew i was gay, i just didn't know i was THIS gay. that makes me feel good? is that a good thing? he called me 'doll' and 'love', but that just may be how he speaks. i go back to cooking the salad i am making. i have to add chicken or niall won't eat it. the entire time i am cooking, i keep replaying my interaction with louis in my head.

about ten minutes into cooking, i hear footsteps coming down the stairs. i assume it is niall because it is heavy footsteps and louis is tiny enough to barely hear anything. i confirm i am correct when niall comes into the kitchen.

"hey harry, is louis here yet?" he asks.

"yes he is here, he went upstairs around 10ish minutes ago to start unpacking. by the way, he is mine. i know you aren't gay, but you could get gay from louis. he is so stunning and tiny and cute and adorable and i want to cuddle him to death and kiss hi-"

"relax harry, i won't steal him from you although he isn't even yours yet. do you even know if he is gay yet?" dang, he has a good point.

"when he walked in here he had a very prominent gay wrist. like it was so bad." i chuckled. niall just shook his head.

"stop obsessing over him. i will go tell him that the food is almost ready and he can come down and that we will be in the kitchen. when he gets here i will ask him which way he sways. then we can figure out if you can even 'claim' him, as he may also be taken." i nod, because he has a point. he chuckles softly and then turns around to go upstairs.

*louis pov*

about two-thirds of the way into unpacking there is a soft knock on my door. "come in!" i shout at the door. the door opens about a second later and there stands a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"heyya louis!" the irish accent yells. definitely niall, the accent is so irish.

"hey mate, how you doing?" i ask, starting a conversation like we didn't just meet for the first time a couple of seconds ago.

"i am doing good, i came to check in on you. we started to furnish your room a little bit, but if you don't want a piece of the furniture we can give it away."

"oh no, this room is perfect. it is nice. i am almost done unpacking, i only have to put away my things in the bathroom and put my footie stuff away. also, do you have a place i could put my football equipment. it isn't much, just some drill things. i can keep them in my room if there isn't any room."

"we have a closet in the entertainment room where we keep footie supplies and harry's filming equipment."

"oh ok, great. i will be about ten minutes and then i should be finished."

"great, bud. we will be in the kitchen."

i finish unpacking and head down the kitchen where harry is making food for me and niall, like he said he would. i think i am already catching feelings for the curly headed, green eyed boy. and i think niall is starting to notice, because when i turn to face him he has a sly grin on his face. i chuckle softly and walk up behind harry quietly. he quickly placed his hands on harry's hip and pinched slightly, making harry jump.

i started laughing and harry just shook his head once he realized it was me.

"louis you scared me so bad." harry pouted and i wanted to kiss the pout right off his face.

"awww, harry i'm so sorry i scared little hazzy bear." i said and leaned in to give him a hug. he immediately blushed at the name and hugged me back. i have a feeling he blushes easily or he blushes easily when i am around. he nods on my shoulder.

"you scared me so bad lou bear." he restates his first sentence in a kid-like voice. i chuckled at it and then started smirking when i realized he called me 'lou bear'. i pull back from the hug to look at his face.

"what did you make us for lunch?" i ask.

"he made chicken salad." niall answered for him, i assume wanting to feel included in the conversation. i turned to niall and gave him a nod then turned back to harry.

"thank you for this," and turned to both of them, "can we eat on the couch and get to know each other?" they both nod and then we served up our plates and headed to the couch. i set down on the middle couch with harry right next to me, and niall on the couch to our left, sprawling his legs on the couch so he is half laying down. let's get to know my roommates.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2021 ⏰

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