what are you dumb?jacob:
told you to stay away
i saw you with her today
seriously stopjacob:
aww you're stalking me? 🤭edward:
no i was just making sure bella is safejacob:
so stopjacob:
can't stop won't stopedward:
she doesn't like youjacob:
then why is she always texting me 😌😌edward:
probably just feeling sorry for youjacob:
idc about the reason
nudes are nudesedward:
yeah surejacob:
no capedward:
i would have seen her take nudes
i've been watching her through her window all dayjacob:
yo stop the music
you're doing what?
gonna show her this creepedward:
wait no
i was kidding
it was a joke
i don't do that
i was just playin brojacob:
don't call me thatedward:
i was lying
im not stalking her
i just panicked and didn't know what to sayjacob:
you panicked?edward:
yeah i was jealous
about the nudesjacob:
did you show her?jacob:
aren't you in front of her window? chceck yourselfedward:
no im not
im at home
can you show me those nudes so i know you're not lying?jacob:
well fuck you then