what now?edward:
you lied about nudesjacob:
i checked her phone while she was sleepingjacob:
📸 in 4kedward:
im gonna tell her
not cool
it's her privacyedward:
no don'tjacob:
yeah? who's gonna stop meedward:
if you tell her she's gonna be mad at you too
because you lied about nudesjacob:
leave her alone and i won't tell her
i don't mind if she's gonna be mad at me but are you okay with fact she's gonna hate youedward:
don't tell herjacob:
then leave her aloneedward:
i can'tjacob:
im gonna tell heredward:
you have no proof i did thatjacob:
you just told meedward:
i was just messing with youjacob:
ok psychoedward:
she's not going to believe youjacob:
don't care
im gonna tell her anywayedward:
she's not gonna hate me
you're just gonna look like a moron in her eyes
she's in love with mejacob:
okay let's test thatedward:
jacob don't pleasejacob:
oh look at you now
you're not that confident are you?edward:
im notjacob:
why do you always expose yourself like that?
you barely talk when i see you and you're telling me shits like this in texts
what is wrong with you?edward:
im sorryjacob:
yeah you should say that to bellapre samka 🤍