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Ah, the busy city of San Francisco, California. While a beautiful place - It's not really the ideal place to get lost. But as always, Y/n's luck just had to be that way. Of course she had to get lost. As she walked around mindlessly down by the beach, she had found no sign of college.

Finally she pulled out their phone, and got on google maps. She followed the corrdinates to a large building. She was surprised she hadn't seen the building before, since it towered over the neighboring buildings.

She let out a sigh of relief and dubiety while staring at the building. While she had finally found it, she wasn't sure if it was entirly a good thing. It was intimidating, knowing that she would be living there for years on end.

But she pushed those feelings aside, and walked in hesitantly. The front desk lady looked up as the door opened, leting in a gust of warm air into the freezing school. Y/n walked up to the front desk as one would and stood a moment as the secretary continued typing. She looked up at Y/n expectingly.

"Whats your name hun?" She asks, adjusting her glasses.

"Um- Y/n L/n." She states. The secretary types for a few more seconds, most likely looking for her files.

"Oooh, studying Chemistry are we?" The secretary asks, opening a drawer full of documents. Y/n nodded. The secretary finally found her file, and handed her the contents.

"There's your schedule, dorm info, dorm key and a map of the school." She states as she goes back to typing.

"Uh- thank you." Y/n says, walking away. She stares down at the map in her left hand, in hopes of finding her dorm.


Although in the end, it took Y/n 2 hours and 36 minutes in total to find their dorm, she had finally found it. Now she stood outside the door, consemplating what to do next. They knocked lightly on the door, in hopes that no one would answer. But alas, someone did answer. Well, more like something. Y/n cleared their throat awkwardly. The red thing in front of them towered over Y/n.

"...Hi?" the thing in front of them said confusedly.

"Oh um- I'm Your dorm mate- This is dorm 152, Right?- yeah. So I'm your new dorm mate." Y/n laughed awkwardly, as she began to sweat. The red thing chuckled.

"I'm Harry, just call me Red Guy." The thing- or Harry, said. Y/n smiled slightly.

"Y-Y/n, nice to meet you." she introduces herself, shaking Harry's hand.

"Let me show you around."

That sounds really boring. {Red guy x reader}Where stories live. Discover now