36 3 1

"Oh hold on, let me go grab my money-" Harry stopped Y/n as she tried to go back into the dorm.

"Don't worry about it, it's on me." He says. She sighs, but doesn't argue.

"Fine... How do I know this isn't a plot to kill me?" She asks sckeptically. Harry laughs.

"If I was gonna kill you, don't you think I would've by now?" He asks, amused. She shrugs.

"True." She laughs along with him.

"Alright, lets go." He says, waiting for her to follow him down the stairwell.

The walk to the gas staition was quiet, with minimal small talk between the two. Not an umpleasant or uncomfortable silence, but not completly un-awkward.

Just silence.

The door opened with a ding from the bell on the corner of the doorframe. it was a small store, but it did the job. Y/n wondered around the store mindlessly, letting her thoughs run through her head. The fact that any store is open this late is worriesome.. She thought, looking through an isle. she finally grabbed a bag of takis and an Ultra Red Monster Energy. As if she needed it anyway. But it's not like she would get sleep if she didn't drink it.

"-Um, you good?" Red guy's voice broke her train of thought quickly.

"Oh, sorry i spaced out for a moment." She states with a small chuckle.

"I can tell. You ready to go?" He asks. She nods.

"Alright." They walk up to the cash register, and set the items down. The cashier smiles at the two.

"Is the stuff together or seperate?" The cashier asks. As much as Y/n wanted to say seperate, as much as she'd like to pay for her own, or better yet both, he couldn't. She had left her money at the dorm since Harry wouldnt let her go get it.

"Together." Red guy answers, seeing as Y/n was off in no mans land again. The casheier rang up their stuff quickly, considering they only had 5 items altogether. She handed red guy the bag, smiling.

"Have a nice day." She says, smiling. Red guy waved at the cashier instead of saying anything, then snapped in Y/n's face.

"You did it again." He states, laughing lightly.

"Sorry.." She says sheepishly. He smiles and opens the door, a brisk wind hitting the two of them.

"It's chilly willy out here man." She says, immediatly crossing her arms over her chest for warmth. Red guy laughed at the term. Harry concemplaited over being rude or being cliche, and decided being cliche was a better option.

"Um- Here." He offered, taking his hoodie off and handing it to her. she shook her head.

"No, thats ok." She says, refusing even though her teeth where chattering together from the cold.

"Come on, just take it." He says. She rolls her eyes jokingly, but takes it.

"Fine big meanie." She says, pulling it over her head. He laughs again, ignoring the cold wind the best he could. Alothough she might have appeared completely calm on the outside, she was silently and eternally freaking out.

ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod this is Harry's hoodie ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod-


Even though she didn't think she was tired, the minute she collapsed on the couch, she passed out. Red guy let out a light chuckle, and grabbed a blanket. He draped it over her body, then went to bed in his own room, where fell asleep nearly instantly as well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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