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"So, your bedroom is right there, and mine is right acrossed the hall. If you ever need me and can't find me, I'm probably in there." Harry states. Y/n smiles lightly.

"Thank you." she says. Harry chuckles.

"No problem." He says as Y/n sets their stuff on the bed.


Y/n lie wake that night, And she didn't know why. It was probably the fact that she had just moved in to a new place.


But an intangable feeling told her otherwise. But no matter what it was exactly, it kept her up that night. It was like it was gnawing at her, eating her alive. No matter how hard she tried, Y/n couldn't push it away.

She tossed and turned, trying every trick in the book to sleep. Counting sheep, driking warm milk- and yet nothing worked. At last, at 2:34 am, she finally gave up. Y/n would not get any sleep that night. She sighed, and stepped outside the dorm to go sit in the hallway in hopes of not waking Harry up.

But just like Y/n's sleep, it was inevitable. Y/n heard the door to the dorm open and close. She looked up, and saw red guy towering over her once again.  He sat down next to them silently, copying the criss-cross position they where in.

"It's nearly 3 am, why aren't you asleep?" He asks softly, hoping to not wake up the people staying in dorm 153.

"I dunno, I can't sleep.. I'm sorry if I woke you up." She states, sighing quietly.

"Oh no, you didn't wake me up.. Why can't you sleep? Is there something on your mind?" Harry asks, concerned.

"Actually yes." Y/n says.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Harry asks, staring down at his hands in his lap.

"Well thats the thing; I don't know what it is thats on my mind." She says, leaning her head on the wall.

"Hm, strange." He says quietly.

"But what can you do?" Y/n asks, letting out an airy chuckle.

"Do you wanna walk down to the gas station down the street?" Red Guy asks. Y/n shrugs.

"Sure, why not." They both got up and smiled.

That sounds really boring. {Red guy x reader}Where stories live. Discover now