Fuck These Cunts

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You say i'm a jerk, You say i'm to mean
Well guess what cunt, i'm the fucking evil Queen.
Except more wicked in a hundred fuckin ways,
I hate fuckin cunts anr there dumb fucking ways.
Fuck These cunts cause Yo- Fuckin -Lo
Fuck these cunts cause Yo- Fuckin -Lo

I puff on that fuckin rolled up joint,
just to escape that dumb fuckin bitch with no point.
I'm the most evil mother fucker you will ever fucking meet,
So get these cunts away 'fore the back of my hand is what they greet.
Fuck these cunts cause Yo- Fuckin -Lo
Fuck these cunts cause Yo- Fuckin -Lo

They piss me off with there cunty ass voice,
And crawll all over them fucked up boys.
I would never date a cunt, never ever in my life,
instead of that shit i'd rather fuckin die.
Fuck these cunts cause Yo- Fuckin -Lo
Fuck these cunts cause Yo- Fuckin -Lo
Fuck these cunts cause YO- FUCKIN -LO!!!!!!

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