Scummy Bitch

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ThisPoem i wrote about a filthy little bitch named Sarahemily! and here you all go enjoy my poem about this piece of shit who potentially could have ruined my life and one of my best friends life!!!

I entrust you with my secrets, i entrust you with my life.
i gave you my friendship, even wanted you as my wife.
then you start talkin shit like a pussy ass bitch.
now i'ma show the wraith of a wicked fuckin witch.
your a scummy little fuck, you think i wanna see you?
well yeah i do wanna see you... being ripped to fucking pieces!!
hahahahahahaha, i crack my fucking self up.
you crack me up even harder tho you fake little fuck.
you keep talkin shit i'll make you fuckin pay,
then you'll sit in hell and fuckin rue the day.
bitch i'm a juggalo, ima fuckin psycho
the last thing you wanna do is be a motha-facko

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