Get Well Soon :(

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Taehyung POV

(I was completely blank but i had so many things going on in my mind about my past

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(I was completely blank but i had so many things going on in my mind about my past.. Jungkook was carrying me all the way
tho my parents went away from me... She left too! Took away the sunshine she gave to me.. I believed my parents were my darkness if it went away I would have a brighter life.. But then I realised darkness only removes your depression! You need a sun for happiness! She was that! She gave my light! Even when my parents were still there that one month that I was there that sun covered the darkness! I regret taking her to my house tht day! I wish I never said her about my parents! Even I had been abused every day! She would be there.. And the pain would be gone! But then everything was gone.. Depression and happiness.. It was like I had the happiness for a month and someone snatches it away suddenly and said now you will be happy your parents are not here! But do they know my parents are not the problem.. I can live with that mistreatement they were there my whole life.. I can manage and live in tht depression.. Just give me my happiness to forget that pain! Give me my angel! But they took me away far from happiness! Far from where I wanted to be! Back into the darkness.. I wasn't depressed now! But because of someone not around! Its like after your parents hit you when you are a kid you suddenly start crying! But then they say sorry and give you a candy and now you are happy and you have not even completely eaten it yet but your pain has subsided because you were enjoying eating the candy and forgot about the pain and suddenly they pull the candy from your hand and say it doesn't pain anymore right? Then give me the candy! I don't have the candy anymore so my thoughts are gonna go back to where my hurt is.. I'm gonna start to feel the pain again! But then she came -Y/n..Everyone has a second chance in life.. For me it was her.. Giving me another candy! Buying me an entire candy shop! Different flavours, colours.. How much more happier could I be when I realized both my angels are the same person)


(My life would never get any easier! Its always like this! When I thought about hanging out, friends, High school life, fun! All this happens.. I don't know why there is this something that always happens when Timmy is mentioned! Last time, Yoongi mentioned about Timmy at my old school which brought back me all those memories I couldn't control myself turned out that I shouted and made a mess at the cafe leaving everyone there thinking I had psychartic problem! I've had so many incidents like this! Today, Jackson mentioned his name and Taehyung fainted.. This is not fine! He is my weak point... The more that I love him and miss him I should forget him- it's been 8 yrs.. hez probably back in Daegu happy with his family and life..  He doesn't care.. I should not too! I think it's time.. I should  forget- ooh Taehyung's awake!)

Taehyung POV

(I really couldnt believe what just happened a few hours ago! Did I just find out that there are no 2 angels in my life? Those both are the same girl? This Y/n is actually m-my Jaehee! How much more thankful can someone be to a single person! How many more times will this angel save my life..! Childhood, teen, I wish it's forever..! I already loved Jaehee so much! I already loved Y/n so much! But when I already know this is the girl I was hoping to meet for the 8yrs how much more can I love you! I really wanna say this to her quickly... )

Y/n: Taehyung-ah! Are you okay? (She asked holding my both hands between her small ones with so much worry on her face)

Taehyung: I'm totally Fine! Looks like stress! Don't worry about it! (I said reassuring her so she stops worrying)

Y/n: How can we not worry! You didn't even eat anything at the cafe! Did you eat in the morning atleast?

Taehyung: ofcourse I ate in the morning! How can I be like that! (I lied)

Y/n: Stop with those lies! Doctor had already said your having an empty stomach from the past 16 hrs! Are you even human? How can someone not eat so long!

Taehyung: (did she just speak for 2 minutes breatheless?)

Y/n: Seriously! You fainted because of dehydration and stress! Stop staying out late and writing those poems or drawing some imaginary girl... I'll burn them down I- Shit and now you are gonna blast at me right?

Taehyung: (I chuckled) why would I blast at you now huh?

Y/n: that day you did! When I put your papers down! And now I just said I'll burn em down!

Taehyung: Chill! I aint a Godzilla! To top this, I am not well (she suddenly frowned)

Y/n: taehyung idiot you can't make all of us worry about you!

Taehyung: I'm sorry dummy!

Y/n: Okay get up! You should have something! I'll go get soup!

Yoongi POV

(All of us visited taehyung amd we're back

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(All of us visited taehyung amd we're back.. taehyung too! He's at his room in my house..  yeah they moved in! The rest of basketball team and soccer team already went home! So now.. Me, Sana, Y/n, Taehyung, Jackson and Hepzi are here!)

Yoongi: He can't faint all of a sudden y/n! What was the situation when he fainted.. did someone ask him any question that made him uncomfortable?

Y/n: he was not even involved in the conversation, it's just-

Jackson: we were speaking about Timber!

Yoongi: T-timber! Y/n are You-

Y/n: I'm alright yoongi! I didn't stress.. you can chill!

Yoongi: So y/n is fine... Why did he faint?

Sana: He's probably dehydrated! And that happens to be a correct moment!

Yoongi: It's already 3 am! Y'all should sleep, I'll go have a look at Taehyung! 

Backflip - BTS Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now