Part 1

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Jack POV (Location: Arlington, Virginia)

I was just sitting down at a Starbucks, drinking coffee and and ignoring the alien invasion and screaming civilians.

Me: wait, what?

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Me: wait, what?

I looked to my left and saw a cannon aimed at me.

Me: well shit.

I wasn't really worried, not like its going to kill me, the cannon fired and it hit, I was fine, but not my coffee, I breathed in slowly to calm me down.

Me: no, no it's fine, it doesn't bother me, it doesn't bother me, It Bothers Me, IT BOTHERS ME ALOT!

So I crouched down and jumped in the air, I let gravity guide me downward as I slammed into the alien tank with all my weight, I then got up, a bit more calm now.

Me: that was for my coffee.

Then I was pelted from the back by a bunch laser guns, they were annoying so I ran tword one of the alien soldier and kicked him in the chest making a boot print in his armor, I then grabbed another by the neck and snapped his kneck, one of them thought it was a good ides to punch me in the face, it did nothing as I just staired at him with a uncaring face.

Me: really?

The expression on the aliens looked like he pissed himself out of fear, then I bitch slapped him so hard his head did a 180 spin, he then collapsed on the floor, dead.

Me: "sigh" this is starting to get boring.

Then I noticed teen team finally arrived.

Me: took guys long enough, where were you guys?

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Me: took guys long enough, where were you guys?

Robot: we were, occupied.

Me: no shit.

More of the aliens started coming from the portals, I looked down and saw one of the alien guns, I picked it up and tossed it to Duplicate, she staired at me confused.

Me: you'll need it.

She just nodded and made copy's of herself, each copy picked up a gun and started shooting at the aliens, we continued to fight them off until something started to change, they started to grow old really fast.

Rex: the hell, what going on?

Robot: their ageing rappedly.

The aliens started running away into some portals.

Me: well that was, something.

3POV (Time skip)

The city was beginning to be rebuilt, there were some tanks left, but they started to rust really fast, Cecil finally arrived and was talking to robot.

Jack was just walking around lifting up some fallen debris, he found a few people either in critical condition or already dead, Cecil then walked up to Jack

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Jack was just walking around lifting up some fallen debris, he found a few people either in critical condition or already dead, Cecil then walked up to Jack.

Cecil: hey, how's it going Doomslayer.

Jack: what do you want old man.

Cecil: wow, kind of a harsh way to say hi to your dad?

Cecil adopted Jack when he was a baby, raised him since he came to this world.

Jack: whatever, I'm out of here.

Jack then jumped and landed on a building, he then leaped from building to building until he was out of sight.

Cecil: "sigh" kids.

                       To Be Continued

Author Notes: hello readers, you might have some questions and I'm here to answer some of them, 1 in this story Cecil adopted Jack, 2 Jack is not as strong  as you think he is, yet he is still half human so compared to doomsday he is weaker, 3 he will get stronger soon with his power to adapt, 4 he does not have a doomsday transformation he still half human, thank you for reading, bye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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