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“With such a hell in your heart and your head, how can you live? How can you love?”

— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov.

Mental health awareness is indeed important. Because Mental Health means keeping our mind healthy and when we think positively and healthy, we act accordingly on what we want to feel.

Here in this world, ourselves is our real enemy but experiences is the root of the negativity. One bad experience can lead to trauma, depression or anxiety and I, as an aspiring writer, would want to be voice of untold feelings. I want to use my writing skills to spread awareness of mental health.

We can not avoid sadness, overthinking, and negative thought. It is the proof of our existence, and we can not avoid these however we wanted it to, because thats part of our human being. When we feel sad, happy, anxiety, trauma, insomnia, depression or disorder, whatever emotion we're suffering dealing with, it just mean that we are fighting to live.

However, there are still lots of people who's not aware of the importance of mental health. They didn't know that one simple bad act can break someone's heart and fell into the deep ocean of endless questions. Some of them, use others weaknesses to bully, to abuse and worse, to force them kill theirselves. One bad experience can be the reasons of everything that has no according to our want. Mental Health is indeed hard to overcome of, that is why we need to treat it specialized and let others know about our each other's minds existence.

Our emotional and mental health are connected. Once we feel pain, confused, frustration, sadness, anger and hatred, it will go directly to our mind and overthink to it, until we hurt ourselves and fell into suffering that can lead to worse situation of person. But if we, people, had some idea of how to prevent this and if we all are well oriented, then there must be no racist, bullying, dragging and happiness-breaker anymore. We could live here in this world peacefully and we can also find our real happiness.

People must learn how to think others emotion because we aren't same. If some people can handle pain, then there must  others can't, too. Thats why people must learn how to act properly towards people, even their family, friends or some strangers, people should know how to treat them nicely. People should learn what words came out in their mouth, if it will hurt they're talking to or not. Also, if people are also aware of simple word, such as swearing, cursing, or some belittling words, can break person's whole life. If only people has enough knowledge about our emotional and mental health.

People must show respect, care and love for each other. Not hatred, ego, pride, lust, and so on. We should love ourselves, because in the end, Earth is not Earth if no People on it.

Every lives matter. So does the mental health. If there will no cruelty anymore, and we can treat each others back well, we could all live happily like what we all wanted.

Its just sad to think that millions of people died because they couldn't deal their mental situation, and millions of people died with their own hands.

I hope anyone who read this could also understand. —Banana.

#BraveTogether #MentalHealthMatters #ItisMatters #EmotionalHealth #StopKillingYouselfAndStopBeingAKiller #LivesMatter #SpreadAwareness #SpreadLove

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