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♡︎.·:*¨ ¨*:·.♡︎

1 month ago

"Oh my god, I can't fucking believe you." Y/N yelled at Iwaizumi. "Why the fuck did you cheat on me." You said as you slammed your head on the pillow of your bed.

"It was a mistake, Y/N" Iwa cried out. "Please forgive me." He almost sounded sorry, but you didn't care. Mending this relationship was out of the question.

Fuck no. You weren't going to forgive your boyfriend of two years who just cheated on you. You knew you deserved better than a boyfriend who treated you like a second choice and would drop you as soon as someone better came along. He proved this as this was the third time he cheated on you.

The first time was with some instagram model that he picked up on the way home from watching a sports game, whilst you were out with your friends. You weren't sure if this story was true because in what universe did sports and instagram models have something in common?

Of course you were mad at him for it, but once you stalked her profile, you almost forgave him. She was hot. Drop dead gorgeous and rippling with confidence. Enough to make anyone get on their knees for her. Still, she was not nearly as attractive as you, but obviously that was an impossible standard to meet.

And the second time he cheated on you by having sex with some British exchange student who attended UCLA. Yet you still forgave him as you believed that he could change.

How could you be so naive as to think that a MAN would ever change his ways? You can't trust any of them, you thought to yourself.

And the third time, which is right now, you didn't want to know who he cheated on you with. You couldn't seem to find the courage to ask who it was. That would hurt more.

You walked out of your shared bedroom in your shared one-bedroom apartment in L.A and made way to the kitchen. You knew tonight had to be your last night in here. Staying with him would be futile.

He followed you there and began pacing around the small space, looking stressed out of his mind. The window wasn't closed, allowing the moonlight to seep in and illuminate his face. His flushed cheeks and tears taht were streaming down his face, were fully on display and glistened in the moonlight.

He finally broke the silence. "Please, let's talk this out." He begged. At this point his sweat was mixed with his tears making him look like an emotional mess. You almost felt sorry for him, which was ironic since he was the one that hurt you.

You let out a groan. "It's late, Iwaizumi." You knew that the use of his last name would really irritate him. It showed that this time was different, this time you wouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt and forgive him. His behaviour could not be excused any longer.

"The other day, you know it didn't mean anything to me."

You stared into his eyes, flooding with tears. "Don't lie to me," making sure to exclaim the 'don't,' however your voice cracked as you fell into another sob.

"You know it's just shit i do when i'm drunk." He said, now staring at the beige tiled floors as he was unable to look you in the eye.

There was a long silence of words. The only sounds coming out of that room were that of your crying. He had calm down by now.

No amount of words that he could say would make you forgive him. It happened too many times now, where he would make you feel insecure in your relationship and cause you to consider if he could find a better person than you. He certainly thought that there would be others else that could please him more than his own girlfriend.

𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋 • t. oikawaWhere stories live. Discover now