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It was 10:00 in the morning when your Uber driver dropped you off at the building of your airbnb. The apartment was located on the third floor of the building, which was feeling like quite the hike considering you had to carry two large suitcases filled with clothes and unnecessary junk up the stairs. You thought your muscles were stronger than that from all the work outs you did, but you hoped that the weakness of your muscles was due to jet lag.

Once you finally reached the apartment door after carrying everything up, you looked for the doorbell to alert your new roommate of your arrival. He'd been expecting you.

Whilst awaiting your first interaction with him, you were wondering what kind of roommate he'd be like. As long as he cleans up after himself and actually does the dishes, you'd be happy. Hopefully he'd also be friendly and help you navigate your way around unfamiliar territory of Rio. You needed friends in this city.

The door handle clicked, pushing the door open and revealing your new roommate behind it. "Nice to meet you." The man said whilst opening the door for you. "I'm Hinata Shoyo."

"Y/N L/N." You politely greeted back with a smile as he helped you carry one of the suitcases through the door.

He had bright ginger hair, doll like eyes and skin that looked recently tanned and freckled from the sun. His most noticble feature however was his short stature. Regardless, he appeared to be quite athletic due to his biceps peeking from his t-shirt and the fact that he carried your heavy suitcase with ease.

"How was the flight?" He inquired as he lead to you through the hallway and into the houses common room where the kitchen, dining table and living room were.

"Good thanks." You answer him.

The apartment was exactly how it looked on pictures. The hallway was slightly dark due to minimal lighting in that area, but the living room and kitchen were bright and airy. The light coloured floor and walls that were complimented by the large windows that allowed for plenty of light and sun to seep into the apartment. All the light made the small space appear large.

The furnishings were all coloured in various pastel colours or light colour of wood. You already loved the baby pink coloured couch that not only looked soft and comfortable, but also looked like a place where you could take cute instagram pics.

The apartment also appeared to be clean, you were very happy that your roommate didn't seem to be a complete slob.

"You've got a lovely place, Hinata." You say. You meant it too, you knew it would feel like home in a matter of time.

"Thanks, I'm so glad I've finally got a roommate... and get to meet another foreigner."

"You're a foreigner too?" You were quite surprised at his statement considering his apartment looked fully furnished and like it had been lived in for years.

"So you're from L.A, is that correct." He questioned.

"Yes I am. Although I'm originally from [insert your home country/state/city]." You answered, reminding yourself just how many times you've relocated in the span of a few years. "How about you?" You questioned Hinata.

"I'm from Japan originally but moved here over a year ago for volleyball." He said. You hadn't know him for long but your previous suspection of him being an athlete was correct. You just didn't expect that volleyball was the sport that he played.

His status as a volleyball player reminded you of two other people who also play volleyball. The ex and The love interest. A classic trope of similarities. But Iwaizumi really wasn't the person who you wanted to be thinking about right now. It'd been a month since he broke your heart and since you last saw him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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