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When they reached Akira's house they freshen up and got dressed to meet Ciel's father at a nearby restaurant.

After changing for the fourth time, she stood in front of Ciel and asked. ''How do I look? Is my bump showing too much?'' she asked.

''You look beautiful and you looked amazing before, and no it's not that visible.'' He told her as he holds onto her waist pulling her close to him.

''So, I looked amazing before okay let me change ba-'' She let out.

He held onto her waist preventing her from moving. ''Baby you look good, okay. Now let's go we're gonna be late.'' He spoke.

She has been changing for the past 30 minutes. Until she settled for a cute pink satin dress and a silver strappy heel. While Ciel had on a baby blue blazer and dress pants with his black shoes.

They left the house and got to his car, he opened the door for her and she got in. He closes the door and went over to the driver's side and entered, when he got in, he closes the door and started the engine.

''Are you gonna be okay with those heels?'' he asked, as he fixes the front mirror, and glanced at her feet. He didn't want her feet to hurt.

''Yeah, I'll be fine.'' She replied as she began fidgeting playing with her fingers.

''It'll be fine.'' He reassured, and gently squeezed her hands.

''Okay but what if he doesn't like me?'' She asked.

''He'll like you don't worry, my dad is nice, and even if there was any way that he would dislike you, we could just leave.'' He said, bringing her hand to his lips and kissed it. ''Now stop being nervous.''

''Thanks, I didn't know it was that easy, I'll just stop being nervous.'' She said sarcastically giving me a thumbs up and a fake smile.

He chuckled and leaned over and place a small kiss on her neck. ''You'll be fine.'' He got out and opened the door for her, taking her hand in his he closed the door and they head inside. After talking to the hostess and letting her know about their reservation, she led them to encounter Ciel's father at a table.

Akira held onto his hand, tightly as they walk towards the older male, he looked like an older version of Ciel. She thought. When they reached the older male got up and greeted the guests.

''Hello, father' Ciel greeted. The older male embraced him then pulled back, patting his cheek.

''Ahh, my boy'' His father replied. ''How have you been?'' He asked him.

''I've been good, busy with College,'' Ciel replied. ''This is- ''

His father cut him off, ''A beautiful woman.'' He spoke. He took her hand in his and kissed her hand.

''Thank you-'' Akira replied smiling at him.

Ciel frowned and pulled her to him, ''Father.''

''Ciel- '' She scolded.

He knew this was a mere meeting yet, he didn't want anyone to touch her. He rests his hand at her back, as he pulled out the chair for her.

''Father this is my girlfriend Akira'' Ciel introduced, as he sat down. His father sat down as well and smiled.

''Hello, I'm Akira nice to meet you, Mr Chadwick.'' She greeted.

''Call me Carter,'' he said.

Akira smiled and nodded. The waitress came over and asked them if they needed anything after they made their order. Carter spoke. ''So, where and when did you two meet?''

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