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The next morning Ciel woke up, earlier than he normally did. He didn't have classes until this evening however he had to collect his Drivers license from the police station. He got up out of bed, carefully to not wake up Akira. He went in the bathroom to brush his teeth and freshen up.

After he finished he got dressed. He called a taxi. He've never taken taxis or public transport before. He had to google taxis near me, to get a cab.

When he went downstairs. He heard a knock on the door. He frowned wondering who could it be.

He looked through the peephole seeing two police officers outside.

Why are police officers here. He wondered, they knocked once again. He opened the door and greeted them.

"Hello?" He asked confused.

"Is there a Akira Johnson here?" One of the officers asked.

"Yes why?" He asked. Why would the police want to speak to Akira he wondered.

"We just have some questions for her, regarding an incident that happened a while back." They replied.

"She's asleep right now, can we not do this today." He said.

"Well, here's my card, can you give her this and rely on my message to her." He said.

'Sure'' He replied as he took the card from the police. They nodded at him and left. He frowned and looked at the card, seeing the police name and number Dalton. He threw the card in the bin. His uber arrived so he left the house and got in the car.

When he reaches the police station, went inside, and spoke to a police officer letting them know he came here to pick up his driver's license.

''Now you abide by the rules of the road.'' The officer said as he handed him his license.

''I will, thanks.'' Ciel let out a fake smile. He left the station and went to a café, he bought breakfast.

On his way to the parking lot, he ran into someone.

''Oh my gosh, Ciel Hi'' She greeted him.

''Xoia?'' He asked tilting his head.

''Don't you remember me? I haven't changed that much, have I?'' She smiled and went in for a hug.

Xoia is a beautiful black woman. She has dark smooth skin. A cute round face, her pretty dark brown eyes stared at him. Her cute button nose now had two piercings and her full lips were smeared with lip gloss. Her head of curly hair lay on her chest. She had on a white shirt and jeans. He met her when he was in high school. She was the only person he'd consider his friend in high school. He had a huge crush on her during high school but didn't tell her.


''Xoia how have you been?'' He smiled at her and hugged her

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''Xoia how have you been?'' He smiled at her and hugged her.

She stepped back and smiled at him. ''I haven't seen you since graduation, which College are you at now?''

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