Untitled Part 1

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I sat in my room, alone, blasting my music, all of my friends are dead, but I'm not for sure, the known alive ones were Dave, Karkat, Dirk, Kankri and Kurloz. I was about to take out my blade, but there was a knock at the door. I jumped but then relaxed, “Who is it?” I asked. I heard no response so it must be Kurloz. I saw the door open and Kurloz step into my room. he signed to me ‘what the mother fuck is up sis?’ I smiled “Nothing ‘Loz, just bored out of my wits”. I saw him smile but it wasn’t that big. “‘Loz, you don’t have to smile for me, I’m worthless” I looked down at the bed and he hugged me, I was worried when he pulled back and reached in my pocket, revealing my razor. He threw it in the trash and scolded me. ‘(Y/N), I don’t want you doing that!’ I nodded and then the was a bang on the wall next to me, Dave’s room. I sprang up, knowing Him and Karkat were fighting over Terezi again, even though she was dead. I kicked open the door and saw Dave was bloodied up and knocked out while Karkat was bloody and about to punch him again. I pounced on Karkat and stopped him from punching Dave. I growled and hate snogged Karkat. He bit into my lip and I pulled away from him. “I fucking hate you Karkat!” “DITTO!” He pushed me off as I tried to keep him down. He bit into my neck and pushed me, and put my hand on my neck and saw I was bleeding. “I’m telling Kankri!” His eyes widen “ DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE BULGE LICKER!” I started running and I ran into my matesprite,  Dirk “Help me” I uncovered my bite and he flashed stepped away as Karkat rounded the corner. We were in Dirk’s room and he started wrapping my bite. He kisses my cheek and whispered a small ‘Love you’, I looked at him and kissed his cheek. “I’m flu- I love you too”.”Now, I need to go tell Kankri” I walked out and went to Kankri’s room, putting on a fake ‘about to cry’ face. I knocked and the door opened. “K-Kankri, K-Karkles b-bit me” He sighed and outstretched his arms, welcoming a hug. I gladly hugged him and my horns missed him by an inch. I giggled, my horns are curvy, like Kurloz’s, but my blood is the highest of all colors. My blood is neon pink, when I bleed in a dark room, my blood glows. He let go of me “Where is Karkat right n9w?” he asked me. “I think, he’s in the kitchen.” “Well, lets g9 then, 6ut first. let me see where he 6it y9u.” my eyes widen and I mumbled ‘Here goes nothing’ and I removed my hair from my bandage and he gasped “(Y/N), y9ur a high6l99d?!” he asked/yelled. I nodded and looked down. “s-sorry I didn’t tell you” “(Y/N), this is very triggering, n9t kn9wing that y9ur friend is a high6l99d, what were y9u thinking??” “I’m sorry Kankri.” he sighed and walked away, going to get the others to tell my secret. I walked out of his room and ran into karkat. I snarled and heard a pounding on the door. I went over and opened it. I saw Gamzee “SiS, YoU nEeD tO mOtHeRfUcKiNg hElP, ThEm.” He pointed to Feferi, Eridan, and Sollux. I was glad they were alive, but, got mad as I saw them fighting their Ancestors. I ran and got my kanata and started yelling, “Get in the hive! I’ll take care of them!!” I continued running as they ran back to the house. I jumped on to the Condensation back and cut her head clean off, fuchsia blood splattering everywhere. Next was Dualscar, I started growing in size and I looked at Dualscar and snarled. “Don’t mess with my friends!” I yelled and stabbed my katana into his chest and pulled it down so he was cut in half. Psiioniic growled and lunged at me, knocking me to the ground and stabbed my arm. I hissed in pain and began shrinking, which only made it worse. Once he was satisfied with cutting my arm off, he ran to the house and grabbed Kurloz by the horns, and threw him at me, breaking his horn in the process. “Kurloz!” I looked and Psiioniic and saw him take out Kankri “No, let him go!” I growled but then I started to get lifted up. I was frozen in shock at I was brought face to face with my ancestor. I kicked her in the face and she dropped me. I tried to catch my self but I couldn’t because of my non-existent arm. I cried out in pain and Kurloz somehow reattached his horn and it looked like nothing happened. He looked at me and then my ancestor.He used his chuckle voodoos and my ancestor took her trident and killed herself. I nearly passed out. I wrapped my arm and took the trident. I limped over to Psiioniic who found Sollux and began draining his power. I growled and threw my trident, hitting him in the leg. He fell to the ground and I took my katana and sliced his head off, blood soon pooling out of his neck. I fell on the passed out Sollux and saw Kurloz running towards me. That was the last thing I saw before darkness consumed me.

Kurloz POV

I picked up (Y/N) and carried her inside while Gamzee carried Sollux in. I set her down on her bed and looked at her arm. I growled and went to Dirk’s room. I heard giggling inside and growled. I knocked and heard clatter and he opened the door, “Sup ‘Loz, is (Y/N) ok?” I growled and signed ‘yeah you prick, she needs a mechanical arm, you're making it for her’ he nodded and went to close the door but I reopened it. ‘and make it fast, she’s gonna bleed out.’ I walked away and went to (Y/N)’s room. I sat down and fell asleep. I woke up to a knock at the door. I went over and opened it. Dirk was there and he had the arm. I let him in and he looked like he just got done having sex. He attached the arm to her and waited for her to move and the arm moved with her like she never lost it. He started to leave the room and when he was out the door, I kissed (Y/N)’s head and went to Dirk, who was in the kitchen. I used my Chuckle voodoo’s and began speaking in his head. ‘I know what you did. You and (Y/N) are through, don’t speak to her or touch her in anyway or I will personally tell her and I will let her kill you!’ I stopped using my chuckle voodoo’s and went to (Y'N)s room where she was beginning to wake up. Her eyes opened and they were a bright pink instead of her grey eyes. I went over and helped her sit up and she looked at her arm and smiled. “It’s good to be back.” I smiled slightly and hugged her. I saw her eyes light up as I heard her voice in my think pan after a few minutes of going through my memories. ‘I will kill that bastard’. As soon as her eyes stopped glowing I thought, ‘did she find out my feelings for her?

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