🩹 | Forgotten

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Description: Renjun has always felt less than what he is but what happens when his boyfriend neglects him when he needs them most.

Background: OT23 are all dating and they live in one house together and share rooms.

Self Destructive Behavior

Warnings:⚠️AngstAnxiety Self Destructive Behavior Fluff

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Renjun has always questioned his position in the group's relationship. He knows in the back of his mind that everyone really truly loves him and that they don't intentionally leave him out.

But after he has been in the relationship for a while, he noticed how if he didn't go to anyone first, then they would just not acknowledge him.

For example, the oldest would always baby everyone else and would seek out to go cuddle the ones younger than themselves. But they never seem to ever want to come and cuddle him.

Or how the youngest in the group loved to go bother the ones older than themselves with pranks and such. But they just never seem to want to bother him.

Don't get him wrong, he is grateful for how well they treat him and how they can make him laugh and feel loved. But he is not blind when he sees how everyone is always paired up.

Just like now, Renjun walks around the house looking for someone to spend time with late at night. He had been trying to sleep in his bed but he found it too quiet and cold in the room without his lover/roommate Jeno.

So he walks along the first floor and opens the first door that belongs to Jaehyun and Jungwoo. He is quiet as he peaks in and looks for someone to give him attention. What he sees makes his heart pick up but also drop at the same time.

Jaehyun and Taeyong are cuddling on one bed asleep and in the bed, right across have Mark and Jungwoo facing each other dead asleep. Not wanting to disturb them, he closed the door and moved on to the next room.

He found the next two rooms empty but the fourth one he opened was in the same state as the first but with different people. Yuta was on his back sleeping with a Winwin cuddled up to him. The bed across had a Tail and Doyoung in a similar position.

Renjun was about to close the door but stopped when he heard a whisper of his name, "injunie?"

He opens the door once again to see Winwin sitting up with tired and confused eyes. "What are you doing up?" he asked with confusion as he looked to the smaller boy.

Renjun looks to the older and hesitated before saying, "I was just seeing if anyone was up, sorry to wake you."

With that, Renjun quickly left with a guilty heart at waking up one of his boyfriends just because he wanted attention. Winwin sat looking at the door, feeling a spark of worry that he soon forgot about when Yuta pulled him back down onto the bed.

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