🩹 | Forgotten

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Renjun was sat in Mark's lap facing the others as he tries to explain what led to him feeling this way. He kept his head down during the explanation and played with Mark's fingers to help keep himself calm.

He explained everything from feeling left out to not wanting to bother his lovers any further than what he felt like he already was.

The three listening felt their hearts break in guilt at not realizing that one of their lovers was feeling this way.

Once Renjun was done with his explanation, he waited for the others to tell him to stop being sensitive but was surprised to hear a sniffle from across.

He looks up to see Kun and Taeyong crying and starts crying himself at making the other two feel bad. They see this and are quick to move in front of him.

"Baby, we are so sorry to have just let you feel that way all this time," Taeyong says as he wipes the boys' tears with his hands. Kun is next to help pat his face dry with the sleeves of his shirt, "Baby, you are so strong for going through all that alone."

Renjun looks up at the two and feels himself fall in love all over again with the way they were treating him so gently. That's when Renjun realized that Mark has been quiet this whole time.

He turns his head and body around to see Mark and the other is looking at him with a blank face. Renjun is scared of a bad reaction from the older but is caught off guard by what he does.

Mark looks him in the eyes and pulls him into a kiss by his chin. Renjun lets his eyes shut at the sudden contact but does not pull away from the pleasant feeling. The kiss is full of passion and Renjun can feel all the emotions the other has towards him through it.

It is short-lived though when Mark pulls back and looks him in the eyes, "Angel, I love you with all my heart just as much as I love everyone else. There is nothing that could cause any of us to feel any less about you than the day we fell in love with you."

Renjun feels a smile tug at his lips from the statement and hugs Mark without a second thought. Renjun can feel himself becoming drowsy from his adrenaline rush coming down quickly.

Mark pulls back from the hug to see Renjun's eyes starting to flutter close and lets out a small laugh from the cute sight. He moves back on the bed with the boy and lays down with him against his chest.

"Sleep for now Angel, I promise not to go anywhere," he whispered as he pets the younger boy's hair. Renjun is quick to follow his directions and quickly falls asleep on the older.

Taeyong and Kun make their way out of the room quickly and quietly as to not disturb them.


Renjun slowly wakes up to the noise of an owl outside the window. He sits up and rubs his eyes to get the sleep out of them.

Once he can focus he looks around to see that he is in one of the downstairs bedrooms and can tell it is Doyoung and Taeils by how clean it is. He then remembers he fell asleep with Mark but couldn't find him in the room.

Renjun started to become anxious at the thought of the older leaving him alone. Tears started to build up at the thought of the other getting tired of being with him.

He subconsciously curled into a ball and continued to think about all the what if's before his thoughts are cut off by the door opening. Renjun quickly looks up to see Mark walking in with Doyoung.

Mark sees tears in Renjun's eyes as he walks in and becomes worried about the boy all over again. He moves quickly away from the taller male and over to the smaller and brings him into a hug.

"Hey, what's wrong," he asked as he pulls away to look the other in the eyes. Renjun sniffled and tries to wipe the couple of tears that left his eyes as he says, "I thought you got tired of me and left."

Doyoung eyes widen at that and he moves to sit with Renjun also. "Oh Angel, I would never get tired of you. Your too cute and loving for that," Mark says as he smooths Renjun's bed head down.

Renjun just blushed at the compliment and looked away, "thank you."

The other two males just smile at how cute the other is and bring him into a big hug. They sit there for a while until Doyoung remembers why they came here.

"Baby, Tae talked to everyone about how you have been feeling. They wanted me to come in here on behalf of all of them to say sorry to you about how we have all been ignoring you," Doyoung said as he moved the boy into his lap to hug him better.

Renjun just let himself be manhandled and gladly accepted the warmth of the other. "I know you all didn't mean it, so there is no need for an apology," the boy said as he moved back slightly to look the older in the eyes.

"We do need to apologize and during the conversation, others brought it to our attention that they have felt left out sometimes too. We all made a promise to try and spend time with everyone at least once a month and try not to exclude anyone," Mark says as he moves his hand up and down Renjun's back.


They kept their promise to him. Over the next few weeks, he has had a cuddle session with all of his boyfriends at least once. Donghyuck was the one that insisted to cuddle him to sleep for a week straight after yelling at him.

Winwin and Yuta started to plan separate dates with everyone because it was brought to their attention that they tend to spend time on their own a lot.

Others follow the same example and the group can feel less lonely at times. There are still the rare moments that someone would feel left out but that is inedible when you have so many to love. But they all make it work.


Renjun wakes up and seems to get dejavú when he sees he is alone in his room. He gets up and sees that it is late at night and that most of his boyfriends would be in bed. He wanted to be with someone though and moves out of bed with his blanket wrapped around himself to keep the cold out.

He moves out of his room quietly and goes to the first room he can think of. He opens the door quietly and looks in to see one bed vacant and the other with two bodies on it. He closes the door behind himself and slowly goes over to the bed.

He can see that Yuta and Winwin are sleeping together like usual and Renjun can't help but smile at the lovely sight. He is kind of sad to have to wake them up but he wants to be with someone when he sleeps.

So he makes his way onto the bed and moves to straddle Winwin's lower stomach with the blanket still around his body.

Winwin is shirtless and laying on his back with one arm behind his head to rest on and the other down at his side. Yuta is also shirtless while spread out on the rest of the mattress on his stomach with his face in the pillow.

Renjun looked at the older Chinese male for a minute before laying his body down to be on top of the other. He put his head right on top of where the man's heartbeat is and listens to it as he starts to drift back into sleep.

Right before he does fall asleep, he feels a strong arm wrap around his waist and a kiss being placed on the top of his head. The last thing he remembers before going out was the whisper of, "good night,

love you, Angel."

The End


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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