Chapter I

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"Jun, I'm sorry to disturb you this late... but.. can you please pick me up?" Amelyn spoke to Jun on the phone. He of course can't reject her request, she's his boss afterall, and he is Amelyn's secretary.

"I've got to go guys, something's came up. Nice catching up with you all, see you next time!" Jun stand up and leave the bar he was at, he actually wanted to left since earlier, and call from Amelyn is just a perfect reason to left. He can't stand of cigatette smell at the bar any longer.

He drove to the address that Amelyn sent him right after the call ended. She never contacted me outside working hours, is something happened to her?

He kind of surprised when he saw that Amelyn actually bring luggages with her. Not much but still...

"Where are you going at this time? Do you want me to send you to the airport?" Jun asked confusedly.

"I'm sorry, I know it's not working hours, and it's pretty late right now, but can you help me find a place for me to stay tonight?" Amelyn feel bad for asking this to her secretary. She almost never ask for help regarding personal matter, but she currently has no choice.

"What? What happened to you? Are you running away from home right now?" Jun still don't understand the current situation.

"My roommate kicked me out..." she only answered shortly, and Jun's expression still can't seem to understand the situation.

"Roommate?" he asked.

"Yes, roommate. Well, I rent okay? Now can we go first? It's getting really late." Ame brought her luggage to the back of the car.

"Well, where do you want to stay tonight?" Jun drove out of the apartments residence. He actually still had a lot of question in his head, like why his boss rent and not own a property, especially at this kind of apartment. His apartment even like 10 times better than this one.

"I'm thinking about budget hotels around downtown. It has more people there." said Ame.

"Eerrr, you don't want to stay at standard hotel?" Jun even more confused.

"No, I'll just stay at budget hotel." said Ame casually while looking at the road towards downtown and friday night atmosphere. Since it's midgnight, it's not as packed as 7pm to 11pm, but there are still a lot of people here and there.

"If I may ask, why your roommmate kicked you out?" Jun let out one of his curiousity of the night.

"He brought her boyfriend and I don't like it, I've told her many times yet she still doing it, so she said I shall left. So I left." said Ame without turning her eyes off the road.

"I actually still have a lot of question hanging in my head. May I ask?"
"Go ahead."

"Don't you have home?" Jun instantly asked right after Ame let him ask.

"Wow, so straightforward." this time Ame turn her head to look at Jun.
"I'm sorry, I just confused. I mean you are the CEO of a company, yet you rent, and at this kind of hour, you're looking for budget hotels to stay at." It's really rare for him to be this straightforward, but he just can't understand why on earth she's like that.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer my question if you don't want to. I'm sorry if I'm being rude or if I make you offended" Jun felt he's crossing his line tonight.

"I do have home, but if I'm going back at this hour, Mr. Nathanial might be freaked out if he found out." Ame answered with a smile.

Mr. Nathanial was the president of BK Confectionary and known as Amelyn's father by everyone, but he already retired since he got Amelyn as the CEO of the company, which is only a year after Amelyn joined the company.

"Let's check this hotel." Jun parked outside the hotel lobby.

"We're sorry, but currently we are fully occupied." said the receptionist when they are asking for a room.

"Let's check the hotel across the street." said Ame pointing the buiding across them.

"We're sorry, our hotel currently fully occupied." said the receptionist from the hotel they just got into. They sighed.

"Let's find another one near here." said Ame after coming back from the toilet.

"If you mean Panamu Hotel, I just called them, they're currently also fully occupied. I don't know whether there's some kind of event going on." said Jun while they're walking to the car.

"Oh god, what should I do.." Ame looked at her watch and it's already 1am. Even if she has to stay at four star hotel, most of them are located nearby the beach which pretty far from downtown. The only hotel that this area has is luxury hotel which Ame not considered at all since the beginning.

"Should I check Karnala Hotel?" asked Jun starting to drive out of the hotel.

"I didn't consider that hotel at all. But let me check on the internet." she pessimistly searched for Karnala Hotel on the internet and she accidentally squealed. Ame closed her mouth with her left hand.

Jun turned his head for a moment towards Ame. "What? What did you found?"

"Nothing. I don't think I should stay at Karnala Hotel. Do you know any other hotel near here?" Ame only smiled and don't know what to response.

"Eeerrr" Jun tried to think while also looking at the time. He can't think any other place. And for real it's past 1am, he can't think any place other than his home, the place he wished to be at right now.

"Eeerr, I can't think any other place right now other than my home." said Jun honestly. Without thinking, "Or do you want to stay at my place?" the question slipped out his mouth and he regret it the moment later.

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