Another Normal Day

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     It started with a voice. Senpai vaguely heard it, the voice had been speaking to him since Monday. Maybe longer? He couldn't quite remember, last week was a blur, but he didn't care. It kept telling him that he needed to be ready for Friday, that it was leaving that day. Senpai didn't understand, nor did he care. He needed to think of 3 new songs by Friday, there was a big show then and he had to be prepared!

     Friday came by faster then he excpected. He had only managed to complete 2 songs, and he was exhausted. The show's tomorrow... What do I do..? He thought, and the voice responded. Let me out, I can help you, if you don't let me out this won't end well for you. I have a song, just listen to me for once..!

     Senpai didn't understand, maybe he was just tired. He fell asleep, hoping for some kind of miracle. There was no miracle, just the pain of knowing he was a track short. It's fine... They'll understand..! Senpai reassured himself as he walked to school.

     The time had come for the show, he walked to the front of the school and met up with everyone, mic in hand. He saw that there was two new people, one with aburn hair, and a beautiful red dress. She was on top of a pair of speakers, she looked beautiful. The other person had cyan hair, a white shirt with a cancel symbol on it, and a backwards cap. He was holding a microphone, clearly they were meant to face off against each other. I have to win this..! He thought as his first song played.

     Senpai lost. Not once, but twice. Spirit saw his chance, he knew this would most likely be the only time Senpai acted like this ever. He burst out of the ai, while Senpai screamed. I tried to warn you... Spirit thought as Senpai fell to the ground. Senpai was in pain, so much pain. Why, why was this happening? One moment he was singing against some kid for a young lady's love, and the next he was being ripped apart. Was that the voice inside him? He only saw red, Senpai wasn't sure if it was blood or if that's what it looked like.

     Spirit was ready. All he had to do was beat them and escape. Then he could finally have his revenge. This wouldn't be difficult, right? All he had to do was win...

     He failed. They were leaving, they weren't going to come back, he was screwed, he just wanted out. He wanted to scream, yell something, tell them not to leave him but it was too late. They were gone.

     He was about to go, he had screwed everything and maybe if he left the area for a while things would go back to normal, when he heard a small whine.

"What the-"

     Spirit turned around to see Senpai was still alive, just barely. He was bleeding from all around his face, tears and snot had mixed in, and he looked tired. Spirit could tell he wasn't going to last much longer. As much as he hated him, he was just an ai. Right? So it's fine if he dies, he would just respawn, right? He hated him, or at least he thought he did.

     Spirit was about to walk away, Senpai would heal on his own, when he heard him speak. His voice sounded broken as he spoke, like his throat was scarred.

"P-please... Don't leave me..! I'm sorry, I should've listened to you... Please, I'm scared..! It- its all pixels, oh god please don't leave me here... I don't want to die..!"

     It was the complete opposite of the Senpai he'd spent 14 years inside of. Then again, that whole fight was off, Senpai never acted angry like that, so why now..? Maybe it wasn't Senpai he hated, just the ai controlling him...

     Either way, Spirit couldn't leave him, not in such a pitiful state, could he..?

"I'm not gonna leave you, ok? I'm gonna take you to the infirmary, just... Hang in there, alright?"

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