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     It had been about a week since Senpai had met Spirit, and the two were already getting along pretty nicely. Spirit had pretty quickly realized that the Senpai he knew was a lie, he was actually a big sweetheart but also a complete dumbass. Despite all of that there were still times he actually acted smart, and one of those times was when he decided to try and fix the code slowly so he could be with Spirit and still go to school and live 'life'. That plan failed quickly however, the only thing that had been fixed was the background, the trees were alive and it was bright and cheerful again. He still kept trying anyway, determined to fix Spirit's mess.

     The halls were empty aside from the pair. Right now they were sitting on a bench, Senpai had a bento box for him and Spirit, and even though they couldn't eat here it was still fun to imagine.

"So I was thinking about it and, why don't we go to the park tomorrow? If that place still exists..."

"Sure, why not, this school's boring as hell anyway."

"Alright! I'll enter the coordinates into my gps for tomorrow and then we-" Senpai stopped mid sentence, his head hurting suddenly.

"Senpai, you good?"

"Huh..? Uhh, yeah fine, just... Really bad headache suddenly."

"Ok..?" Spirit was curious but he didn't want to forcd Senpai into saying anything if he didn't want to. Senpai's 'headache' only got worse as the day went on, and Spirit started to get more and more concerned.

"Senpai, did you do something to cause this bad of a headache..?"

"N-no, not that I can think of..." Suddenly, Senpai fell onto his hands and knees, his face in pain suddenly. He let out a small whine, holding his head in pain.

"S-Senpai, what happened..!?"

"I... I don't know... I feel so much pain right now... Fuck..!"

     Senpai made eye contact with Spirit only for Spirit to gasp audibly. Senpai's face was melting, his eyes were yellow with red blood dripping out. He looked horrifying, like someone had burnt a candle but 10 times worse.

"Holy shit Senpai..!"

"Is- is it that bad..?"

"Infirmary. Now, no questions asked!" and with that Spirit had dragged Senpai to the infirmary.

     Spirit was extremely thankful the infirmary still worked, and that all someone had to do was sit down (or lay down) in a bed there in order to heal. Senpai looked up at Spirit, he wasn't melting anymore thank god. His headache also went away, although he didn't feel like leaving the bed quite yet.

"Spirit, what exactly did you see that made you bring me here so urgently..? I could've gotten over that headache just fine..."

"Your face was... It was... Melting, you were bleeding..!"


"Senpai... I think that happened because of... You know..."

"You- you aren't saying I should reset things... Are you..?"

"I... I don't want to see you in physical pain, ok? And you promised that if anything bad happened to you-"

"I said if anything happened to me mentally. Or emotionally, not physically..!"

"Senpai, a headache is a mental pain."

"Ok but, its more physical then mental!"

"Any physical pain is mental, where do you think pain comes from?"

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