Chapter 6

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" Whoring yourself out already?!" Judas screamed approaching Charlie's bed making him hide within his pillows, feeling Killian's hand leave his grip Charlie whimpered peeking out from the safety of his pillow to see Killian standing straight staring Judas down.

" Get out," Killian said calmly, but with dominance behind his words making a pleasurable shiver run down Charlie's spine. " He doesn't want you here, his immediate family doesn't want you here. Get out." Killian said, his Russian accent slipping through with every word.

" And what are you going to do about it you giant freak?" Judas asked, sending Killian over the boiling point, gritting his teeth he stormed over to Judas grabbing him by his collar lifting him off his feet.

" Убирайся отсюда, грубый засранец! Ты здесь никому не нужен, ублюдок! Убирайся, черт возьми! А теперь, прежде чем я вызову копов!(Get out of here, you rude asshole! Nobody wants you here, bastard! Get out, damn it! Now, before I call the cops!)" Killian yelled at him until his face was a decent shade of red making Judas tremble under his touch. Letting him go watching as he fell to the ground then scampered out of the room Killian let out a sigh then turned around seeing a shocked Charlie and his family with wide grins on their faces. " Charlie! I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you." Killian said slowly rushing over to Charlie's side, now slouching his back so he would appear shorter and weaker.

" Thank you! ¡Ay Dios mío! ¡Gracias, Killian! ¡Gracias! ¡Gracias! ¡Gracias!" Charlie exclaimed happily his eyes lit up and full of life again as a wide smile formed on his lips, making Killian in return smile.

" I'm glad that I made you happy, but I don't know Spanish..." Killian admitted shamefully making the four Spanish speakers in the room chuckle.

" All I said was Thank you, over and over again," Charlie explained quickly. Smiling widely up at Killian just as a nurse entered the room flashing Charlie a warm smile.

" He's good to go home." She said and everyone nodded. Charlie smiled up at Killian then wrapped his arms around Killian's lower torso.

" You're my hero..." Charlie whispered, making a wide grin form on Killian's face.

" Come! We must get you dressed, I owe you a night on the town!" Killian exclaimed making Charlie blush a dark red. " Call me when you are ready," Killian said motioning to the piece of paper that Maria was still holding before kissing Charlie's forehead then left to set up for this evening's activities. Smiling as Killian walked away the twins gave a wolf whistle making Charlie's cheeks turn red.

" ¡Cállate!" Charlie yelled, slightly making his mother chuckle then hand him a clean pile of clothes, slipping off the gown making his older brother jump to their feet standing in front of the door possessively making Charlie roll his eyes. " Ellos ya me han visto dumasses desnudos" Charlie muttered.

" They're your brothers Charlie," Maria said with a small chuckle.

" Well, sometimes I wish they weren't." Charlie replied as he finished slipping on his clothes. Looking at her youngest boy Maria smiled and ruffled his hair making him sigh and lean against her. " I really like him... I know I said that about Judas, but Killian feels different.

" Listen to your heart baby, it will show you the way," Maria told her boy and he nodded sitting up and placing his feet on the cold Hospital floor shivering as he slipped on his socks and shoes, once he was done with that the nurse came in and removed his IV and bandaged his arm.

" Just be careful, Cocaine is a seriously addictive drug. Call this hotline if you need help." The nurse told him as she handed him a business card, sighing Charlie nodded and took the card, slipping it into his pocket, looking up he saw his brothers both handing him a silver phone.

" Ours and Mom's numbers are already in there," Alonzo told Charlie, making him smile and wrap his arms around his brothers smiling widely.

" Thank you," Charlie whispered and they nodded returning the hug.

" Now let's get you home, you have to get ready for your date this evening!" Maria exclaimed, pulling apart her boys and helping Charlie to his feet. As the group made it out of the hospital and back home Killian had also just finished up getting things set up, sitting on his bed at home looking in the mirror in front of him seeing his messy long black hair and blue eyes, resembling his mother slightly. Sighing and running his fingers through his long hair he put it up in a simple ponytail then went to clean off all the makeup he wears for work.

Watching as all the layers of makeup smeared on his face he sighed seeing his naked face, remembering how many facial blemishes he did have and how many he did cover-up. Washing his face thoroughly Killian changed out of his work outfit and into some black jeans and a nice grey top with some rock band he happened to enjoy from time to time, slipping on a black pair of socks and his black combat boots Killian fixed his hair slightly then grabbed his leather jacket, taking one last look in the mirror he deemed himself appropriate for this evening's activities.

Smiling happily Killian left his one-bedroom apartment Killian ran down the stairs and headed to his bike, slipping on the helmet he rode back to his work to await Charlie's text, feeling an unfamiliar feeling in his chest, relaxing on his bike Killian looked up and smiled as the stars formed overhead.

" Thanks, mom..." Killian thought to himself. closing his eyes Killian inhaled the stale evening air, a weird combination of perfume, cigarettes, and booze somehow made him feel at home, opening his eyes once more he saw Julian approaching him in his usual work attire.

" Killian! I heard what happened, is he okay?!" Julian asked as soon as he approached the bike and Killian nodded.

" Da, he is... and tonight I am taking him on the town," Killian told his best friend making him smile.

" I'm glad you have found someone Killian, um... here give him this, one of the other girls gave it to me but you know I can't leave you." Julian said handing Killian a silver business card labeled ' Prince Industries.

" Thanks, Julie, please be safe, and call me if you need anything," Killian told his friend and he nodded.

" You know I will, oh! And before I forget JJ wants to see you." Julian said with a smile on his lips.

" I will," Killian said warmly making Julian smile just as warm. " Have a good night Baby boy."

" You and that stupid nickname," Julian muttered then left going back to the club just as Killian's phone vibrated in his pocket, pulling it out he saw it was an unknown number. Unlocking his phone he read the full message making his heart beat faster in his chest. Slipping back on his helmet Killian started his bike then headed off towards Charlie.

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