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Sophia's POV

Who knew picking an outfit for the first day at school would be hard. Today is my first day being a Junior and more importantly my first day ever at public school. I have been home schooled my whole life and now I finally have the chance to go to public school and I've never been more excited in my whole entire life.

Scared though, but still excited.

I decided to just go casual today with a large over sized grey jumper and a pair of black leggings. I paired them with just a pair of black boots. Im slightly nervous for school. Okay so maybe slight nervous is a massive understatement, Im absolutely terrified.

"Breakfast" My momma called down. Ever since my dad left, my momma has been super protective of me, hence the reason why I have never gone to public school. But finally after years of begging she has finally allowed me to and I've never been more grateful. 

"Hi momma" I gave her a quick hug and she pecked the top of my head. I sat down at the breakfast bar while she handed me my toast.

"Some ground rules, no doing drugs, no getting in trouble, you come straight home and you text me if you feel unsafe okay?" She said. Im confused because how am I supposed to text her if I don't have a phone.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much momma" I cheered as I looked into her hands to see her holding a phone towards me. I immediately jumped off my stool and ran into her arms giving her the highest hug I ever have.

"Your welcome, it all set up and my number is the only one in there so if you need anything call me okay?"

"Yes momma I promise I will" I gave her another hug and she hugged me back too. Its always been me and my momma, at first it was hard, she didn't have a lot of money and was raising a new born but she never gave up on me and here we are, living a good stable life, even if it means living without a dad I'm okay with that. Momma never told me the real reason why he left, but I know it must of been bad because she gets this look in her eyes and I can tell it hurts her to talk about.

"Come on, lets get you to school"


"Im scared" I whispered as I looked up at the school then back down to my finger I was fiddling with on my lap.

"Nothing to be scared off, just be safe and your been fine" Momma leans over and give me a small kiss on the head and I give her a small grateful smile and open the door and head into the entrance of the school.

As I took it all in, I noticed there were kids everywhere some my age, some younger and some older. I know some of my classes will be with seniors which does make me a bit nervous because they are older and properly smarter but because of my grades I was allowed to be with the seniors, but not in all my lessons.

I walked up to the main office and the office lady gave me a small smile "H-hi my name is Sophia Watson and I-Im new here"

"Oh yes I remember your mom from the phone, here is your new timetable, I hope you enjoy your Junior year, good luck" She passed me a piece of paper with my time written on it and gave me an encouraging smile.

I mumbled a small 'Thank you' and left to head towards what I think is the corridor. The bell hadn't gone yet so it was still pretty busy, but  I look down at the paper in my hands to try and find my locker number.


If I just look for tha-

I felt like I just walked in to brick wall and before I know it I'm falling to the ground.


"Watch where your going would yo-" A deep voice says from above my current state on the floor.

"S-sorry" I stumbled out and I collect my bag and a few items that had fallen out. I noticed that the whole corridor had gone quiet and I was too embarrassed to look up, so instead I just got up of the floor and stared down at my shoes.

I felt a hand grip my chin and tug my head upwards. I was meet with the most beautiful set of eyes I think I've ever seen. A tall, scruffy boy is standing in front of me, he's wearing a plain black shirt and some black jeans, with black trainers. After giving him a once over I looked back up at him to see him staring down at me. He released my chin and I took the opportunity to look around to see everyone staring at us. I shifted on my feet uncomfortable with the stares and pulled my blonde, long curly hair from behind my ears to hid my face.

"What is everyone still staring at huh?" He boomed so everyone in the whole school probably heard him. Everyone immediately got back to what they were doing to scurried away.

He's scary.

"Thank you" I whispered as I looked back up at him. He grunted a response and walked away. Okay then so that was my first experience in school, could off been worse. I look back at my time table and head to my first class.


Aurthor's note

Hey guys, this is my first story and I really hope you enjoy it. I'm so excited to see how this book turns out, I hope you like it!!

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