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Sophia's POV

I ended up being late to my class by a couple of minutes. I walked in and the class immediately stopped what they were doing and everyone fell silent.

"Can I help you" The professor asked.

"I-Im new here and I think t-this is my class" I tried to be as clear as I could but when I get nervous I tend to stutter. I hate it, it's so embarrassing. I heard a few people snicker and laugh and I kept my head down staring at the floor. The professor told me where to sit so I made my way to the back in the corner, luckily I was on my own, I didn't mind it. I actually preferred it.

The lesson picked up from there and it was all going fine until sir asked me a question "What do you think the answer is Sophia"

I looked up from my note pad and noticed the whole class staring at me, I felt a specific pair of eyes on me so when I turned my head to the left I noticed the same boy from this morning starting at me. I gulped "W-what was the q-question again sir?" I was listening but sometimes I tend to zone out a lot.

"If you were listening you w-would k-know wouldn't y-you" Some girl said from the other side of the room and everyone started laughing. I felt tears prick the side of my eyes and I tried as hard as I could to keep them in.

"Alright that enough Leah, just stop being a bitch for once" Someone said from across the classroom. I recognised the voice I looked back up and it was corridor boy. I heard Leah scoff and the professor clear his throat and carry on with the lesson. I mouthed a small 'thank you' to the boy and he offered me a small smile in return.

I got straight back on with my work, it was surprisingly easy but I guess its because I have already learnt about this specific topic in math before. Pro of being home schooled your whole life is that you always have free time, so you can do extra learning and luckily for me I love learning.

The bell went signalling that it was time for my second lesson of the day. I looked at my timetable to find out I had Art. Thats good I like Art. I started to pack my bag while everyone was leaving but once again I felt a pair of eyes burning holes through me. I look up straight ahead and find corridor boy starting at me while leaving the class room. Our eyes lock immediately and I feel my heart rate increase and my breath quicken. He gives me a little smirk and leaves the classroom. Leaving me standing there, confused. 

Is that normal?

Art was a good lesson, I made a friend, my first ever friend. Sure she didn't really talk to me but she let me ramble to her. Her name is Lizzie and she has bright pink hair.

"Sit with me a lunch, go to the cafeteria and you'll find me" Lizzie said, as we were walking out of art. She didn't even let me answer back before she turned around and left. But a good thing is I have one more lesson than lunch.


It was finally lunch time , and I found the cafeteria easily because I had already passes it like three times. I walked in and started to look around for Lizzie, I saw her at the back on the table in the corner on her own, she gave me a quick wave and a nod to come over to her.

"Sup" She said as she plopped a grape in her mouth. I gave her a small smile and sat down on the other side of the table. I went to my back pack and grab out my paper bag which had my lunch in it. Today I had a ham sandwich, some chips, strawberries and an apple.

A apple

Nope, I don't like apples. Lizzie must of saw me staring at the apple because she asked if she could have it 'If I was just going to keep staring at it as if it would disappear'. I gave her a quick nod of the head and she took it.

"You don't talk a lot do you" Lizzie questioned, I looked up at her and thought about how to reply.

"Ive never really had anyone else to talk too other than my momma" I said back quietly and I took a chip and placed it in my mouth.

"What about before you came here, at your old school. You didn't talk to anyone there?"

"N-no I um I've never been to public school before, homeschooled my whole life" I explained. It probably weird for her to find out I've never been to school before, like what 16 year old hasn't been to school before. Clearly only me.

I wonder what it would be like to go to school from a young age.

She just replied with a small 'oh' and left it at that, which I'm grateful for.

"Don't make it obvious but Cole is heading over in this directions" Lizzie whispered, I followed her line of eye sight and tuned around to see Cole and two other boys. When his eyes connected with mine he smirked, and I looked away and I could feel my cheeks heating up under his gaze. I kept my head down but I could feel his presence next to me. He sat down right next to me and didn't say anything.

I peaked up at him, to see him staring at me "H-hi" I squeaked out. I felt like my cheeks were actually going to blow up.

Imagine if that was to actually happen.

"Hi" He chuckled back at me. His voice was deep and I felt myself shiver when he talked, he noticed this and his lips turned up slightly in the corners "Whats your name beautiful?" He asked me. I naturally stumble on my words but when I'm around him I feel ten times more nervous than I normally do.

"Sophia. Sophia W-Watson" I croaked out and looked down at my hands which all of a sudden seem very interesting.

I felt a hand lightly but firmly grab my chin and tilt it upwards "Whats your name" I asked. Lizzie said his name is Cole but I just wanted to make sure otherwise that would be embarrassing if I got his name wrong.

"Cole" He kept his graze directly on me, I heard a throat clearing from beside us and Cole let go of my face. I turned to look at Lizzie just to see her sitting with a scowl on her face sandwiched in-between two boys.

"My name is Ben and his name over there is Drake" The boy on right said, and pointed over to the other boy on the left of Lizzie.

"I can speak for myself Dick" Drake said as he glared at Ben.

"Twatward" Ben argued back. I giggled to myself and everyone turned to look at me. Ben smiled brightly at me "You think Im funny huh?" He smiled at me, I gave him a smile and nodded my head and he gave me a laugh and a wink. He glanced over to Cole and he immediately stopped smiling, I looked up at look to see him glaring daggers at Ben. I tilted my head confused at him.

Wonder what that was about. 

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